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The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 3

The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 3

Decatur, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Evming. September 18,1917. THE DECATUR I PAGE "WE'RE QOIItf OM Msjatral MM The various of the union Imve taken up a new patriotic song which resoundlnc thrftugh, the ountry and some claim will l-ecome the American "Tlpperary." Many affirm that It will ultimately I'ci-omo famous than tho Km- iriarcblnK SOUK and so popular for months The new work rntlllod. "We're Oolne Over." A j.irf of the i horns runs: We're Going Om rul 4e we em, i is a peculiar rolm-ldem-e tliat same men who wrote the rt-cent I "Amer.ea. Here's My Hoy," also i i the preKent sona-- Andrew nff nnd A twinge.

AlthoiiKb Hie present SOUK has only been Issued, various are already It mil BEMENT HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES ORGANIZE Bomeiit, Sept. school to officers. uf the junior class arc, president, Eliora Fisher: president, ifuth Adklns: secretary, ttereno Hodman; treasurer, Ituby Newlianks. The (reslimca clssa officers are, president, Cirace Adkllnti; rice presl. dent, Florence Steel; secretary and treasurer.

Clemens l-'ojle. Herxeant llhoades. an In- ot the aviation school nt lianlou'l. was here Thursday on his way to hi" home In I.ovlngton to pass his furlouKh. W.

H. Olhson of Hammond was here Thursday. Shepherd of Mllmlne was here Thurmltt). Miss A a Conkey of Buffalo. X.

Is 11 client of her'tlncle. C. H. Ball und family. 1 William of Amenta called on T.

i i and W. O. Cloyd, i Thin idiii. He went to school to the latter i years Mrs. llowyer and Mrs.

Vexlei Shepherd were Muntluello visitors Thursday. Sirs. W. floxl visited Mrs. W.

K. In Montlcello Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot.

who lived In O'llolleran cottaae on Ilallroail avenue, have moved away. Mrs. Tal- hot In Kearney, ti the i i relatives and Mr. Tallin; uoes In Canada. Mrs.

M. ,1. Mason went to Marshall Saturday to visit her daughter. Mrs. l.uiilu Hultfer.

I Mr. T. i enter- tallied Mr. lind Mrs. 7..

W. lOvans of 1 orlando. Mr. and Mrs, r.eorco Let Dr. Mitchell Be Your Dentist A scientific method of filling, crowning extracting teeth has given me an enviable reputation for painless wort.


Ifil E. Main over Strand Theatre. Hell Phone, 616 -BUY YOUR- Vacuum Cleaner with your open! Look out for 44 BRUSH" Sweepers that do not have ELECTRIC BRUSHES. More siictiou or vaoutun cleaners do only purt- ial cleaning no brush unless it is motor driven and Kloctrirally Devolved hiis tho necessary power to shake the cariiot and loosen the dirt. The "brushes" in other sweepers arc mere iniUatinj: make-shifts.

They are totally unable to do effective work. Compare results before you buy. Get the Uight Machiue first -Thousands have Unsatisfactory Machines on their hands. Phone and arrange to test it in your own fcomt without obligation on your part. Sold on Easy Payments.

Decatur Railway Light Company. Bell No. 1. Tucker. Mr.

and Mri. Harry BMdrldce. Mrs. Chal Baldrldge daughtei, Janice. Mrs.

John Kreger and Miss Abble Pratt of Decatur, Thursday. Tho Methodist Ladles' Aid locicty bungalow aprons and children's dresses for sale, The society will be xlad to have orders for plait, sowlnir. Ml8a Nell Shonkwller has (one to IIuntlnKdon, I to pass the winter nt the home of her aunt, Henry Selle. Olln Day Is a student at the James Mllllkln i i In Decatur. Sergeant Harold Fisher writes from the aviation camp nt Falrfleld, that they expect to leave there within month, but have no Idea where they aro to tco.

U. II. J.eunolike has bought the Crawford bulldlne and will move his hnkcry to It soon. Mr. Leuschke and family i occupy the rooms above the bakery.

Dewey i the iltli aero sdiiiulron at Ml. Clemens. has been promoted to corporal. Ilo has been doing tmme flylnff and has control of the machine III the air, but experiences i i in alighting. Mrs.

W. A. Howyer Is vlsltinir her son, nnd his a i at Tren- lon. Mr, Itowypr Is superintendent of the schnoH there, Mrs. fonway and tlniiKhler.

Mrs. Krelpr. of New nichmo'nd, were hero Thursday cnltiiiB on old frlcndn. SKKVICES. services Sunday.

Methodist--ficgular services Sunday. i'l-esbytcrlan--Sunday Is cltiiroh day and every member is naked to oapedally pray for the church, A committee has been apuolntfMl to call at most the homes of the confrrcga- The regular services will be held Sunday. Miss Helen Storer, who went to work Monday on one of tho elevators in yip Citizen's TTlle a hulld- Ins, formerly llvoa in itiorse, Oldrlilee. William Fair- hanks. W.

W. Body and families and Hesslp MuiherslmuBlt motored to Ccrro uordo Wednesday attend the old settlers' picnic. Ivva llurr. wlio had hospital apprentice in navy, re- l.oited Hi Wednesday and was sent tu thn base hospital nt Norfolk, Mrs. i i a Bruylcs la i In I i i i i A I hns i a a i to his sis ter.

Mrs. MI-K. I'liai-lcf a a t(, StrasluirB Wednesday 1e at liedslilo of her who is vm Mr" David Decatur If i her pari'iitf, Mr. and Mrs K. K'iniherlln.

Mrs. 'larn Voulk was hostess the M. M. W. club l.uiy HOKUB 'o a freek, Tiieydav a two weeks' visit to lier parents, Mr.

Mrs. T'. Iloguc. Mr. and Mm.

W. 11. returned from a week's visit In hlcnpo Porn. Thursday, fi-pt, ri XIr lllul Mrs fharlcs" Polio. mn.

Mr. nml Mrs. i a Thursdiiv In I Mr. a i Mrs-, i I- 1 i 11 1 1 ren of I i are Mr. and Harry H.irncM.

LOVINGTON HIGH SCHQOL IN CHURCHES PUN FAREWELL TO Tint PASTOR Other News from Douglas County. to, Sept. called meeting for some special business ofetho Aid society of the Methodist church WHH held Friday nfternoon. It was arranged to hold a farewell reception Tuesday nlRht Rev. A.

A. White and wife, who are soon to leave for their new charge at Danville. All members of tho congregation anil friends of the church will be welcome. Tho hoys of the Tuscola high school met i the music teacher. Fultx, Friday nlfrht to try out for places In the high school glee club.

lUee club In thn school will be maintained by both the boys and girls. Mrs. Albert Stovhll Is here for a visit with her Mr. and Mrs. Carey Snydcr.

Mr. Stovall was formerly sheriff of Douglas co.unty nnd is now located at De triiit, Mk-ti. FORD STOLEN. K. Morgan, a young farmer, his Ford automobile stolen from barn Wedm'xday night.

The cnr was practically new and in good condition. Tho burn ffom which the car wan stolen Is only short distance from the house and the mad tliroiiKh which tlie car was takeu Is at the corner of the lawn so that the thieves had to pass ticar tho bouse. They probably pushed the car out into the road before starting the engine. Mr, Morgan and his ticlglihors trailed tho tracks miiilo In the dust for som i distance but were unable to follow It beyond a where the, marks I i a the i had some "ir and been i i It In the road. TWO An.n;ir;v:n INSANE.

Otis Hardest)- of Villa drove, and Mrs. I.llv A i a were bnth iidjudKPd Insane I court Friday and Iwlh were a liakoc for a by i cers. X. Will-dull, i Imr.lnnss initn nf i who brrn i i i fiMim a i a i i i i fur Fcvi-rnl months, was a a bv a i i i spell late l-'riilav i I i i i i i i Is rewarded us periling. Mrs, a i I icrricUsnn of St.

IM the i i i of her i Mrs. W. 8. Marl in. WiiIII.

resicnod hook, kcei'pi' a First a i a here i i i i i a i for C.M- ftiso, he i i i a of i i i i i and smif-. Miss l-fiin i i of a was i a ijeorcfc i i i a operator at the local a i of I. nnd I Parker arc 111. D. i i who has been I I I if i I I i i i i I I i i a i i in I i a 'Mr.

a Mrs. i i a i of man i i i of Tin-cola rcl.iliM-s Dick Harper vlalted relative! In Decatur this week. Many of the (oldler here Wednesday left their addreu and linked to have the newspaper tellliiK of their vlalt here tient to them. Mrs. W.

r. Binder, nnd Jacob Mayer visited Mrs. Bretz In BprHiBfleld this week. Mri. Thomnn Hudton of Springfield vlnlted here thia week with her ters, Mm, John KHck and Mlei Lucy Tutwller.

Mlsa In Icy on Hentnchler went to Wllllamnvile this weeK to visit William McQee and family. William Globes wan called to St. Ixnils the first of the on ac- vlr.Bte I Sept. Monil iv i i i Mrs a i i i i A an, I Will iifli'i-noi u-e "went 10 1,., i i i nil i week. ly if his i i nil i nehoiil rrn enrot'lHi'd.

It i he In i Is 'l- K. Pnnaton i a a a of i In jilirls per acre. Mr. and M. r.

a Th'-y 1I: fa'lr'. They arc TliiiklriB tlif trip in their automobile. Jlr. anil Mrs. II.

T. i ef l-'ort rio.lK^. I lire In till" locality i i-f old a i plaeo 11 this i here In tho fast Mary Inn a pontlon ai i In the Mr. and Mrs. II.

i nml dninthler. Mli Ktild. motored lo ay the a i i Is -iLatlnncd i i i i there. their homo stppped tor it l.rli-f vlrlt at tlio of Illinois. i A i A STATION.

r.i-ivilr^ VtimUMa i nre nliiiiit i i anil tho I i In tliu ItandH of the for men wnmen, liniiiime aim i-xpri-n" room. V't-ll as enlivrKlnc Am-nl Ilo, office are voine of tin- ln'liiK minhi. A I'relshi liouii- tlio end ot K. It'. a i i rnnve tu i new liome In i i newl.iy of i il" i his utrmnii to the i i eoiiitrrKtitlun Snnddv i ilsna.

IFout anil Dick flute, left Tuenlav for In tn fin ord'-r i a a The linys en. several montllH IIKU niul luivo bet-it waltlliir to li" i-alli'd. 'I'. i leave Wiioilmen. lio i tain- ilicclal i a i the saliltariiini i a i Ilicri- hy Modern i liii'i tiecn In h-Mllli for i a and hopei to find relief nt i XillliUll-IUIIl.

I'ioMn A art a tn the i i i I i 2 Bi'liool, i i i i huini, w-f'l; from a ailmmor'a In Colorado Colo. ItrhlS'-H a bull! ol, tin- road Iwlweon liKlon nnd a They tiavo made ivldo i a vii-w to hrins In i 'or the iiropoinl hard roa'lf. svhli-h will i ho i i i i tin: in it yean. Tlio ri-Blal-rcr a i In Id In- the l.i,i Ink-tun I eluh 'I'lieidny. I i i The list of i i a i Hi" namei of tnvn a i reputa- Artli'iir i noil Illdrrd.

of Mr- li-ft Woilnrsilov for where I i i enter tin 1 C'lmd- I lloyi 1 for tile i-omliiK a I Tli'-y w-eri- ai comiianU-d far as Docftliir bv II. MIRK. A non was horn lo Mr. nnd Mrl. Join pit Thurnlay.

M. An elRht and a pound son wni jorn IK Mr. nnd Mrs. W. llnglieiH TliiirHday.

Hept. Mri). ISdggrra (ormi-rly ill LAKE FORK TO HONOR THEIR DRAFTED MEN Mt. a 1 Lake six tulles a of Ml. Pulaslii.

i the a nvn tn her i i i reception tills i A Bofnl procrram hns- heen pretiared for the 011 cveryhody is conllaly I i i a i i i i a pastor nf i I i hi-re. ha.s ret a i for a your, Mr. and Mrs. a I.ticas of riilcano visited hero i week i his parents. Mr.

nnd Mrs, John Kd I.ucns. H. W.inner, i FOU unil a of i i i vls'led here i week i i bin inotlu-r. Mrs. i i a Opluirdt ane) her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman I i i Mr. today for LcvKpnt-l. N.

lie has posit ion i I'liioii lias cimpanv. a i visit here, for Mrs. of i i and her brother. NuMi llnwmati, of Oxford. i i the former's a ter.

Mrs. f'eorKc 'onton, and a i ill a i Kev, and W. i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones and Mrs.

H. Uyimiti atteliiled suite i i of i i a church In Taylorvlllc Wednesday. Mr. and Sirs, Louis rirceiiinit nnd Mrs. A I I I I I i i of l.ii Harpn visited here i week i Mrs.

Oswald f'r I HrnoKcr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert 4 sou of hi-rn i a to I'lslt, pal cuts, Mr. and I i i and a i Mrs.

M. t'. Lilly home from Pooal'ir a Mrs. came from Peland Wednesday, whore she lind heen i i i ber daiiBhlcr. Mrs.

Miss Fuiin'o lioltucy of is here visltliiB her sister, Mrs. Byron Scroitcln. Mr. anil Mrs fiorry mid count of the death of a nephew. Mlris Georgia Colbert visited relatives In Vandal I this week.

Mies Opal Cheek went to Decatur Wednesday to enter the Mllllkln Conservatory of Music and iArt. THOMAS WHITE, 81, PIATT PIONEER, DEAD Monticello, Sept, Thomas J. White died Friday morning at 10 o'clock at the home ot his son, Harry White after an Illness with cancer of the face. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday nfternoon at o'clock at thn Methodist church hy Kev. W.

Uoyii. Interment will be In the Monticello cemetery, Services i be In charge of the local G. A. R. I'ost, of which lie was a member.

White was born In England 19. 1830, and came to this csun try when about a year old. His mother died shortly afterward. The family Bottled In northern Ohio and JiiHt before war they came to Illinois und settled in Goose Creels township. 1'latt county, In March, 1804, he was married to niantha Susan Perkins and to.

this union eight childrci born, six of whom survive. Mrs White died Nov. 10, 1908. For thi past seven months Mr. White hail lived with his son, Harry.

The chil drcn tire William Ernest of Thomas A. of Monticello, and Fred- oriek J. of TOiiHtiiK. Ha. Mrs.

Uilu Webster Hcnlh of Toledo, 111., In I i her mother 'Mi-K. W. Webster. Mrs. In bre.itlUiiK up her homo and wll i her daughters.

A MK crowd is expected here Sunday a to nee the ball between I he. Pepsin Syrup team am the K. team of Ivesdalc, when tnc iilav tho "rubber" name at Malcrpark o'clock, llolh teams Imve wot four sanies i ceason and a Hos, Is expected. Jensen nml l.ym for the localH anil Perkins and Somcrs fur Ivcsdalo i ho thfl lotteries. CHRISTIAN COUNTY FILLS DRAFT QUOTA a Sept.

Tho local ex hoard has accepted i three for the army, a i county's 'tuota fo thn 'first onll. I follows: John i-hrlMophcr. Philip S. Hnner I'inj-inoml i a I i-carlorlc. Charlin lx-roy Bar ker.

Unlph day, John A. Norm lian'el K. Williams. Herman K. Hen ilrlelis.

Paul UiRnehe. all of Taylor i A i Tledderlch, Adam a i i a Harold VI. Murr.iN i i i a Robert Kmtnet or r.ina: i i Corbelt. Pta lets John linldat-loh, Thomas riark H. Adams.

I a Pit oil. a i K. I Wll lat a A i nnnlel 1 i i i Tories. UeorSe I-'. Oeb a i i i i i i i Uohert a llowmond Samson i Mowen'iua: lioehel, Mori'l TKAP.

Word i heen received liore of th il, i i i of Kred Wallace, former resl i.f tills i at i i ilosls. Mrx. John Perry of thl i Is 11 Klft'r 1-ee son Thi deceased was i mar vied. His first wife, nee Miss Ad of died fthou ten venni neo. Tho tiody arrived her DESERTER BURNED HIS UNIFORM Shelbyvllle, Sept.

hla nlform and stealing a ault of over- Hs from a clothesline to replace It, Shelby Brown, a deserter from Company K. Fifth Illinois Infantry, that wai atatloned in Shelbyvllle on guard duty for several months, ought to evade tha trip south with he company, when It left Spring- leld Friday for Camp Logan. Texas. While he was successful In that par- icular, his methods probably spell a ong term In Fort Leavenworth prison or him. ATlRIVEa IN FINDLAY.

Brown, whose home at Mich- leld, ji laid to have left thn camp at Springfield eleven days ago. Friday morning he appeared at Flndlay, where he was known to a number of persona, having been on bridge ruarvl duty near that village while his ompany was stationed here. In Flndlay he told some acquaintances what he was doing, and Sheriff Jlgga of this city wns advised of; Jrown's presence there and that he lad left Flndlay on a southbound ocal over the C. 32. I.

This Informa- ion came to the alierlff too late for he latter to intercept him here, but he officer learned that Brown had ransferred from the E. I. to he Big Four at this point, and taken 4 train east. The sheriff notified of- loers at Windsor of Brown's move- rents, and the young man was apprehended there and turned over to the sheriff, who placed him In the county He-porting the arrest of Brown to a military officer at Chicago, Sheriff Jlggit was directed, to take tils prisoner to Springfield an.d him over Colonel Strong, of the Third 1111- I.cvl I Siilurdiir mornliiK and was a Oak Hill cemetery for Interment. Th deceased hsul worked several year Assumption nnd Mowenqua as ciKiir maker.

Mi were I I I I F.I I MACOfl Klm-once Mr. Hnil i i ami a Hoove ir'cattir who uttt'nfliM the teiiel In i i i wceli Incl'l'l' Vernn Taylor. MorlctiKo I Mr and Daniel. I.urllle Trelil 1IIII. Mrs Vim Meter niul Mr.

Eppcdnoh. O. A. i-ook left Wrdneiday for vuli of ono month with her son, Hnrr ('unit nnd wife In Wichita. a (Jeorun rniiieriRon of Tliui'Hdny relntlvi'S In A light frosl, Ih" first of season, fo i i i 1 Monday i i I l.aiu-aster a to Mop a a stii'iKlmi: i i a wool In and i i i i i ilnl Mrs.

I A-0 i a i i Itav licon on tin. pick list, ar hr.provliiK. i met ith a i i i i h'Hlnir a liy i II i i I foot. A niniilMT from Mat-rni a hr-cn a f.iir i i i i i I homo ouulmmit. atli'i- frleiiiic In nn ni'iir Tllr.

lledmon re l-ldeil 1)1 i i i Mlttsen Tint Htnl f'hyn Tliun i a wll m. i'imt of ttiwi I lifVlrlsoil liave day. Young Brown to the (Her. Iff that ha had burned hla uniform and itolen the overalls, but re- fuged to lay where be got the tatter carmenti. Brown laid by Kindlay people to have been In trouble there leveral times while there earlier with company.

RUNAWAY BOYS FROM ALTAMONT Slielhyvllle. Sept. Kidney It. was notified Thurndav evening that a couple of Rlvlnit flctitlouii names and their home as later chttnurlng latter noil Artillery. 7Ws did on Salur- un C.

and all Harrletewn: Park ant loa. Clinton Waraa, to Altatnont. were In the vicinity of Mode and apparently had run away from home. Frank the C. K.

I. agent nt was authnrlstd to tako charge of the ho.vs and hold them until an Investigation. Tffc sheriff got into communication with the. chief of police at Altamont, who after maklner mtnte I i there Informed the sheriff the boys had In fact run away from home. ThB name of one boy was Stroiise, and tlie other wan not learned.

Knch wns 1.1 years old. and the nald they left home "In search of work." Friers came after them In an au- tomomle Thursday night mid took them tu their homes In Altamont. BEARSDALB. Mr. nnd Byron Miilllns mil Mr.

and MM. Add stroh and Ituth Ifock- aday visited Mr. and Mrs. P. Cump- Ijctl Sunday.

Nina of niqomlnKtOM, ipi-nt Sunday hero with II. O. and family, Mr. and II. Veltmrr and -on of Oreinn, Minn Nina of HloomlnK- a.

Cl rtha; A. J. daufhter, Bertha; enu Mra. Vtai and cptldrin vtn tho fUMM Waltmere and fa.rr.ilr Sundwr. Mre.

1. Kellef with flood in4 wife aear catur, Mri. Iintrla dauihtar, Vea- tia. npurit Thursday afterneoa MM Crank anil children. Mr.

and Mri. Loncedertf at aUna. vlnlttd the cf nor Weaver WeS- nenday. The farmerii (tf Mr. and Mri.

II. tor Dana, and Hie itate fair at cf Ror Weaver t.i.e Mclnltr ar.d liTtha Park ORKANA. Evcy Argents, Rulh. tf t-lJsir R)1Bnti i and Herman Notle of tllU lill illtrr. i VlMte Manila H.i'man i tt-nn v.

O. D. fimlly, Mn. M. I.

Turpln of O. Couie anJ fn Wtdn-i day. Mm. Ora'-t Cootmr wf catur. v' wil'n M.

F. tamllf. II.IM, 1 Mi.rruon of bis titrope. 'it'urldiy. B.

Hit Mm of spmt of tlili'wrek wllh Otcttut nchool Mela Hi M' nlo Fsrles park Ai uirnlu diniwr Ulen Feeler Clinton, ruitmMress. at tended fair ml SprlngfltM wea- at dinner purty Thuridmy homo In Tr.o:» pratent MIM Kltsateth WrUa. llarrr«nbor«er. of li.eatur; cnlicriser, Tho affair wu In fcemer M.n. Harry'i birthday.

Counterfeits. Bead what one of the GREATEST NEWSPAPERS IN AMEBIOA'liM to say on this subject: The manufacturers of Castoria have teen compelled to spend hundred! 01 HAMMOND. Tlie CMrrn fMlier elrelo nf the Molho- 1 met Tliurd'lav at the home tit llcnter Luti'll, wi'H nf i Mr. anil Mrx. Uli'k enKTtnhieil nt niUT Hunday for Chentcr I.tneoln mm T.uHle Ktnh'T.

wbr. were mftrrletl TnewlHy In Deomtir. Mini F.aiKir Trni- ter nf Trbunii, Wdn nT town gfn-ct. IVIInon reiMirteil as ncrlomly III HI hl home here. Mr.

Wtlnan yinrM nlil ami tinit been In poor hcultti for cevenil innntha. Jjiuilsmlm of rierron. vlnltrd hern i her William lintl SliMlii nehool nt the Clurk nfiur llurrownvlllc, Mondny. Ho for merlv prlncltml of the JIummonrt nchotil. ISev.

O. N. Wllkerimn, who has liern puittur of thn Mothoillut ehurell lirro thn Ant year, liai betn elinimtl to Atwood hy tlic MethoillM ennferencc, licv. A. J.

joeklMch. Itlm. Walter Aaklna nnd llttlt daviBtf- ter. vlnltnd the formrr'n ntnter. Mm.

J. A. and attended tlio tlio plralo In thin week. Mri. A WM tho of -MIM Htrlcklor In Ixivlngton day, Mr.

anil Mm. O. C. re turned homo to Walloon. a vlnil here with Mrl.

Warran'a mother. Mr. and Mm. Troy Crowder left part of thin for thflr home In alter a Iwa wiekf vlult wllh relative! here. i i his pai'entB, Mr.

I Mru. P. llerry, i week nt Oul- "('oi'inul Sehiek of Si.rltiKflclrt i i here several a i week his brother, M.lie and a i iilr. i.cmi i i i In i i H. S' la-r MtHlt-r, Slnvc Mr.

iiinl W. H. i i a 111 OilUt. Mrs, i i i i i i I i i i i nnl sranl- il.niKlil»T. Hruwnlnff, few ueek with relatives In Ileoatur.

Spaeth. Ihe tiilinreulosls nurmi In lifi'Htiir, will Klvo an at tlio Melli- wn I "'Hit ehureh In tills i Kumlay fvenlnn. Jill( nt helM lu esllllilted hli, flno Hock i i i ari) the produi'l ol his a easl of town. Tile Home noi'lety of i ftitireh nir" nt tin 1 homo ot MM. II, i a was htient 111 i a i 't msmm These Pictures, Drawn from Life, tell a better "story than we can.

The man at the left wearing ordinary, flat-lenses. The man at the riKt, who looks up, down or side- w'ays without moving his head, is wearing our improved, deep curved lenses. Let us Fit You with Deep Curved Lemet. mmsmmmam thousands of dollars to familie has been necessitated by reason of pirates counterfeiting the Oastona trademark. This counterfeiting is a crime not only against the proprietors of Castoria, but against the growing generation, -All persons should be oarerai to see that Oastoria bears the signature of Chas.

I. Fletcher, if they would guard the health of their children, Parents, and mothers in particular, ought to carefully examine the Castoria advertisements which, have been appearing in this paper, and to remember that the wrapper of every bottle of genuine Oastoria bears the fiw-simle signature of Chas, Eetcher, under whose supervision it has been manufactured continuously for over Bulletin. from Prominent Druggists addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.

Congpr Bros, of 8t. Paul, say: "Fletcher's Castoria Is certainly full of merit and worthy of recommendation." C. O. A. Irodcr.

ot Philadelphia, gays: Tor 20 we Mid FletcherM Caatorla and oro pleased to that It hw glrea untwtal Tlie Scholtz Drug of "Pletcher'i Caatorta hat a household word. Seemingly every family where there are children VIM it." Hoagland llansQeld. of Boston, "We have nothlnc but good to wr your Castoria and we do not hesitate to glTe it unqualified endorsement." Hiker's Drug Stores, of New York City, Castoria Is of the oldest and oost popular preparations in our stares. We bare nothing but eood to say about it." Wolff-Wilson Drug of 8t Louis, says: "Of the thousands cf patent medicines for which we have demand there art a Terr few of them that we can conscientiously recommend and your Castoria Is In eluded In this few." D. R.

Cyche of Chicago, say: "The Increasing demand for your Castoria shows that a discriminating public not slow to seek out a remedy of merit and once convinced that It does all and oven more than claimed they do not hesitate to recommend It to their friends." The Owl Drug of San Francisco. Cal, says: "Wo have always teen a believer In the 'original man protection' and have been particular never to sell anything but the genuine and original Castoria (Fletcher's). We have iqany calls every day for this article from people who sayttey not be without It In their homes." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean In Use For Over 30 Years Copy of Wrapper. The Kind You Have Always Bought THC CCNTAUII VOPIK CITV. Davis DePy Co.

Auto Trucks For Moving By The Load Moving Vans Furniture Bought and Sold Trunk Calls 25c and Up Phone 349 2 hul i i a i ht ird I i i a of peor 1 eKHt Silteiv Cei i i I j-' fc il ery urt i a i i irv circuit court ftpnoM 1 -em a i i a her KK) i thr i i hoiiKo lunltcim JIKTO 2 "00 flromcn at court IWO anil IMI TM" al 1 itl I i en I WKI -il rv im lull oflliorn SI teiej mid nl iry or "00 Mile up and i clleni hoard of HU pcrv I'ors JJJV i iicsi ountv i i off! Co of 1 rtols eifflco 1 2 (l I I vvitn. IP 4ne I'lisnic-nt ol i i in clrc lit court a nt of I tors In 01 nl I'njni nt of i li riot M) 1 i i mcitlnrs nul IIH I'l prnfloni fi i 4 1 A SIHKI a i i offl i printing loeloil 1 re i ilts to rourt HIHC CWKI 1'nsnient repairs to tall 1000 I'uMncnt nialnt clnlnpr charges at ul I ins dloiliiB prlmincrs In Co a I in eiiitainllik paui rs cm er li rs from oversee! Pi vnient of dependent chit Iron vmcitt Dec ct ir and icon t-O i a boino I 1 a i Initituto 1 i i 1 i i slnliiif re I i a IKHI ImlWInn state aid roads 1'! I rep Irlnu utato "Id roads i Pivment brlcUos othor thi atato i mnlntiilnltic; Ilcnatur and icon Co hospital Pivmemt Di-tntur hospital Payment Vnron lul erenlosls nnd Vuite Ass I lyinont hratlncir and court and Jail Tot 1 1 bo roport ve i fiOfl OeXIO 1SIKK1 2(100 i I FOR Total levies In the (ountv Bv All the Townships -A i i of i iiHfcid fur roads ml lirlli. a I i i imniliHlotii is i the i In i (tiiinlj Thin sum In I uUs Iho I in i for each of the Mirlnvm i i i approprll 1 I foi Htietc 1 1 teia a iexi I hv i Mn on ollliii. the! i I i tin i i i Ion of Mil in I i Ip hlclin iv lionld in levied th i i oC en in Iho linn nisisM I i Itl I OIUS i 1 Ihe- it Hi i i los tint Ihi cc nun HKlciln ra a llll irni tho hi aril of supi iiorj- at nil me-ellnir a mini i ic i i i i nJ I an I hrliln rk IK i arid link th it the coiintv lerk st nil a i iti tl it pro line tint Mini ho MII 1 a i that ro a I i i i the inn I to ex 1 i iitKll HH Is i sun jOVA 1 be re eji of tin us com- tnlssloni rs i i the Ma on i In a i I I lie I altirnoim slid ap- I i 1 IIM fe Ic Viistln Illeii Mniincl rle Is I elc 111 I I i iirlietouii i IV Int I I UK i I I I Mil in Mt i Ic ni kl 1 1 IMttllt lOW outh Miunti P. i VMieutlund VV I Itmoro II 1 UOlt 711 VHI VI I roc 111 (i KKI VHI oem lew (looei "i (10(1 CKHI -floei 7000 Tntal 1 7 1 I Mt loU.

1 a special tnx of conti for oiling entlmi ti'il tu lod lie TO ORGANIZE IN DECATUR Club hiirltv for rw( The I I thr prom of Tr ui It Held necn tury tht ndiini? itl( ileimrttneni of tht II Siijtp ft undatlnn to tome to In i)tol)pr Hiul help In i nomiblc to nrgniilzc the work In I IIP cluli him tw tr.vltm lor tt hrlnf, Mr i i to Detatur und nuw he to tome for dAyH The club hud told the of Cotn- that It Mil pay ull of the of rlnnlnR Mr hero and OMJTJ thing clNr potilbln to help ment I If Anioclittlon of Cam- merco however to make nnv pluntt cnncprnlnn tho iTHPtlnj club to i them do do. 'DEEDS RECORDED Gurtructe Lsntiatn to American Homln rn lot 4, block 6 Hoblnaon's addition 11 Constant to Droblsch, lot II block Hlraln addition II ChAile 1 Wliikler to Paul Knllnonskl lot II block Carvers addition II Tilt Deets to Abe Qrc-enlicrg and Churlei Cam lot lu block 4 High addition 1100 II Dennis to Ouy Deets same rroperty Florence Vaughn to A Vaughn, tot 4 block 17 Maroa lira T. Hull to A Hull In tht north Bou'henst il IT east II Rhoda Klrklanci to and Krnrct Klrkluid, Interest In north It-Jet blo(k TO. Allen, McReynolds Co.Taddl lion, tl. Scraps of News SOCIAL PUT OFF.

The Red Cross social to have been held at the Enterprise soc al batur- day night, been postponed until some next week. HOTEL BUSINESS GOOD Business at the Decatur Is good on account of state fair at Springfield Iravellng men do not like to run Into hotel conditions such aa exist at Springfield during fair time and they run over to Decatur to spend night ADVERTISING DECATUR. 'Made In the biggest little city on earth DUCATUB," way the Pan-American moving picture It when the film run before the audiences in the different theaters The film was shown In Spr ngfleld at the Majestic Thursday The picture was taken at the factory during the opening here two W'eekn ago. FINE HOMH GROWN GIlAPES The homegrown Concorn grapes are now good enough for table grapna They are ripening but the grocers report that they are rather scarce One merchant took his cur out In to the country to get a supply Thursday morning The srnpcs arc retail Ing at 5 cents a pound TURNING OUT A DAY The Pan American compauv IB out a cur a day now. The organization Is just getting limbered up and It IK expected to boost the output very considerably In the Immediate RACK rilOM TOLKDO Captiln Abel 608 For- eat avenue, who has been i i i hlh Mrs CoiiKhlln In loleclo for two months rcliiinei to Decatur Thur-duv nlBlit Mr and Mrs I a Drctt, of catur, and Mr and Mrs Pear of Terro Gordo, hav Just returned from a 1409 mllu motor tr Iowa They stopped at Itockwell City.

Morm and Fplrlt Lake 'Ihcy also plopped at Starved Hock and Deer Park on tho trip TO IN BOOUV Mifcn Ida '-paeth, the tuberculosis survey i a i i a at 1 clock at a i meeting at M-UOII buncluv nlfcht 10 Qt AU1 1 R1PAY Tom Allcv to the Pan Amci i ofllclals in Decatur thit he would enter the qus.llfv.lng ruccs at Providence I todav lie Is expected to i i for the tart i i pi ici Sattirdav i ans trouble I i i began work on the new wing of the Decatur and Macon County hospital on i a The excavation i be completed before i AFTER A NEW CAP a Dan Dlnneen bought a KlNHel a Frldav and he and Engineer Hicks to Chicago Trl- div iftcrnoon and are i i the car home People You Know I Mrs George Potts, of Neoga, Is the guest of Mrs W. Boggess I Almon Hill and daughter, Marie arc i i i Mrs Hill's mother Mrs Mary Mclaughlin, 2413 Hast Pinlrle. A a two weeks' i i heie and at Indianapolis, they i to their home In New I'arlfl Arnold MtUiughllh Is spending two weens his mother Mrs Mary Mclaughlin BANQUET FOR ANNIVERSARY Order of Ivusterm Mar lelebratea rhlrllclh Blrtkdair. The tlilrtlcth anniversary banquet of liieatur elmptcr, No 11, Thursda In tbe Chapter hall VVIIB it delightful to the 120 Kiicstti assembled Jnrden flowers and Hags In profusion decorated the banquet tables After tho banquet the program wos given and then Hoteltn, Parks presented the i i a handsome silk flag from the pact matrons and past patron Ihc program Included a bolo Garver. reading by bur.ih Pale plino solo bv Pauline and talks to Dr D.

Myers, Mrs Sarah li, Mrs J. Bender and John Kvatis MOBERLY BOYS INSPECT THE PINES Twelve tone lo dee Honr Is Carried On, raiiKli'K In from to fteen years, arrived at the Tiallroad A rlday morn Ing: from Moberly and went with See rotary fctampci to 'The Pines' where the will spend the day In- spectNlR in detail the i has been done tHere A Tavlor of tho MobcrU Mo aswc atlon accompanied the boys A breakfast i Col II Clokey as host, at The Pines, was one of tho features of the day trip here The boys will leave Demur late this afternoon after thoroughly In spelling; the grounds and learning: much of the work as possible durlnc their stav here Tmlcht iiifenle Kscon snl 1r Gmce Fatten Consnt will be the st to. nlifht opon meeting to he-let bv Tbe EmerKnncy lesiruc tn thr ANnnrU- tlon of Commerce rooms 2M-2ld he tiding The will be A nvinc nnet Is open to every especially are nrsed to attend CARRIAGE LICENSES Mlehsel A Culdwell, Clinton Mnry VVIUon. Clinton if, Vrle Bltcl! Dtcutcil Legal A. Orsaun, Decstur FEDERHL i HI TO 0, Meeting to Begin Work to That End.

A meeting of the Illinois executive, committee of the Pike a Peak to Ocean highway was held morning In teprlngfl Id well present George Hughe's, president of Illinois dlvision, Harry Schddken secretarj, A Kennev director foi Macon county, and directors Jones Ol Tuscola an! i of SprlngflJd The object of the meeting discuss the matter of federal aid foi the Pike's Peak and Ocean to Oceai highway This roacl is not included the roads enatcd for federal Improvement and as the moyit trav e)ed of the transcontinental roadi eroselng Illinois i the possible exception of tho Llmoln highway across the north part of the alale. ther i he a vlgoious effort te ure federal aid for Its Improvement No definite action was taken by thi i committee at this meeting a to ent i maihlner Ir motion At I lie clohr of tile me. ting (lit i called upon state i i of HAD TO PAY FOR THEIR OWN II. H. rllro Jaihsi Atlt-a of 1 rls In Molara.

John Al! if i lo enomplli I oiird I i from II I I i i i i i i lioilge Mi I i siild i in de I 0( i i IIOIIM nt I to ppt tbe i i i fin tlMlcd the 1 i i tbe hinl i ii i I tin Hi re i I I I like I i tin I su I emu tt Kmndh. i i ,1 i i I i ii nn c.cli ild in He and hum i i nd cf i a i i linuled better I i a Iho in i i i i i i the division i tn cirderllos i a general a ln- I troop A horses i motorcycles nnd dit. a i new Tin the nf any tn tl ainn There nre three men a mom DR. BRIGGS IS POPULAR SPEAKER toiiBly Tenrkera I4kt Hl I.eeture*. Hr Thotims I I I I of olumbi tine of the ItiHrtirtnra In Macon teachers' Institute has been growing In popularltv the Institute goes on He Is a gra iitttc of the i i of Chicago an was for several ears an Instruelo In the Slate Normal Charleston The most ponnlar lecture ncrhap- that he has; delivered at this Imui tute win The Relation of War Education Dr nrlircs spoke at chapel th.

3 Friday morning NO GREAT CHANGE IN EATABLES Abnat the ae IHM! Week. Kitchen market have changed very little i i the past few da SB Tomatoes are rather scarce, to the cold weather, hut other vegetables are plenty. Potatoes are still selling 4S cents to CO cents a peck, Swiss eharri Is cents a pound, grapes are te 7 cents a pound, lima beans 10 a pint box. muskmelona all prices, from cents to 20 centa and good sited watermelon can be had for .5 rents PiiKdr Is stIH $2 50 for a 25.pound bag flour Is 13 ir, a large sack, eggH are 41 cents a doten and batter li rents a pound Fine looking celery cabbage, which Is used for salad, la selling at cents a head, plant at II to cents each and sweet potatoes are offered at two pounds for 15 "I that milk Is going to It': ents a quart," said Alex Van Praac rrl lay and I can't understand that should be done We are now selling bran and middlings, which IK the principal mill feed used for cows. st 110 a ton less than It was a month Presbyterians Ask Students to Waive Exemption Philadelphia ept 14 The board of i i of Hie Presbyterian i It has taken a i dns; Ministerial candldst to waive lion for i i i 'It is neither patriotic to ike i ih.

i veniptlon pro- i i I I i i a or i i ns who a s.ciun1l i i 1 i 1 upon their course from the tioftrd reronimends i in lepn they ruinielleel to sr enemptlosj uneVr pome i pro I Ihn wivli" i i In rulllnir as i i i i i nf tbt, rieapel i the Ioar4 presents i i of lovalljr nn the part of UK Prt i 1 Pprnturic snvtna? 1 1 dm fl limt i tr 11111 ilmwlns I ion In II) I i rurtrM i MIIimfme iti-rr of or tbrrr in Ith nhnwlnv lf piilior ss II i In fnrk i pt mplalii Iml It In tuM i i in hie li it Dniatur he.i|iini uut "i IIOSJ.".

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