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The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 9

The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 9

Decatur, Illinois
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i A I OPTIONS GO, SO WELL DOES POSLAM HEAL If it's Eczema, you need Poslam. 3'i is right at home in driving this btubbprn trouble. First tupping the itching, soothing, cooling. Then going right ahead with the work of healing. If you suffer, member that Poslam's benefits are jours easily, that it was made effective for the very purpose of aiding YOU to have a better, healthier and more sightly skin.

And all with no for Poslam not, can not, liiirm. Sold everywhere. For free sample i to Emergency Laboratories, 243 st 47th New York City. I'oslam Soap, medicated with Pos- lam, should be used if skin is tender mid sensitive. WHEN YOU FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief For practically every man has used It who has suffered trom rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather exposure.

Women, too. by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neuritis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick headache, dean, refreshing, soothing, economical, quickly effective. Say "Sloan's Liniment to your druggist. Get it today. Sloan's Kills B-axix 30c, 60c.

$1.20. Famous for Cough Syrup Thousands of housewives have found that they can save two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough preparations, by usinc this well-known old recipe for makincr couch syrup at lome. It is simple and cheap but it reallv has no rqunl for prompt results. Jt takes right hold of a cough and gives immediate relief, usually stopping an ordinary couch in 24 hours or less. Get 2 ounces of Pinex from BTIV pour it into a pint bottle, and add plain granulated etijjar svrup to make a full pint.

If Tta prefer, use clarified molasses, lonc-y, or corn svrup, instead of sugar evrup. Either wav, it tastes frood, keeps perfectly, and lasts a a lone time. It's trulv astonishins how quickly 5t acts, penetrating throiitrli every air passacp of the throat and lungs loosens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the membranes, and gradually but surelv the annoviuc throat tickle and dreaded cough disappear entirely. JCothine better for bronchitis, spasmodic croup, whooping cough or bronchial asthma. Pines is a special and highly concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, known the world over for its healing effect on tlie membranes.

Avoid disappointment by asking vour druggist for ounces of Pinex" with full directions and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Tlie Pines e- Beauty's Tip on Darkening Gray or Faded Hair and Making it Long and Lustrous Don't have gray, straggly, thin, dry, prematurely gray or faded hair.

You know it makes you look old and un- Bttractive. A bottle of La Creole Hair Dressing can be had for a moderate price at any drug store. Apply to all our hair and scalp as per simple directions on the bottle. You can do this in the privacy of your own room. No need of visiting expensive hair- rlressing parlors.

La Creole Hair Dressing can not barm your hair but gradually all your gray or faded hair (urns to a beautiful, soft, even dark shade. This will please you. Your en- lire bead of hair then grows long, soft, fluffy, lustrous and of that beau- liful, soft dark luster your hair used lo be. This malcs you look younger and attractive. Try La Creole Hair Dressing yourself.

For sale by Bell Drug Company and good drug stores everywhere. Mail orders promptly filled upon receipt of regular price, 81.20. Creole" Hair Dressing is guaranteed. PYORRHEA It Is Serious --But Can Be Cured Anaema, a i gout, Bright's disease, diabetes neuritis, tuberculosis, laryingitis, etc, are often caused by PYORRHEA. Only a PYORRHEA expert is competent to treat this disease.

It cannot be cured through mouth washes, tooth pastes, etc. If you have disease that you cannot trace to its source you should have your teeth examined to see if PYORRHEA may not be the cause. DR. MEANS PAINLESS DENTIST 145 Merchant Street Great Lakes Show is Big Success. Thirteen hundred Decatur people took the sailors from the Great Lakes Naval Training station who put oh Great Lakes Revue" to their hearts Monday night.

For pure fun, clean fun, effervescing and sparkling with the nimble joy of healthy, clear eyed youth, the entertainment put on by 107 young men from Uncle Sam's navy training station, was the best that Decatur people have been lucky enough to see and hear for many moons. The statement made that big camp of 60,000 men had among its denizens some of the best talent In the country was amply proven Monday night and the six weeks that the group have been on the road with their show for the benefit of thf Navy Relief society has taken off any rough edges which may have existed when they started. But it has not been long enough for the young men to become stale In the work or to lose the pleasure of entertaining. TALENT PLENTIFUL Real talent was plentiful. In fact It seemed as if all the dlrectot had to do was to call some young man out to put on a part and he was there, smiling ready to do it and to enjoy it i tho audience.

Bob Carleton, the rookie who was elevated to the rank of admiral five days after joining the navy, was perhaps the star of the evening lie was excruciatingly funny hut ho had a close in his orderly, There, delightfully plajed by Benny Kubelsky. There was just here and there the deep hearted patriotic appeal which found instant recognition and response from the tig audience which filled the theater and there were ec- One of'Hits of Sailors' Show caional bits ol classic music which shuwed what the violinists and pl- among the boys could do, but generally the program was Just one crale of fun and Chester Rosenberg, as the only "woman" in the cast Clementine Speed, added "her" share of the breezy a when she came In with her "new 1906 model runabout." The danclne the singing, the specialties were all good and It was a happy crowd i left the a after the performance. GET J33 A MONTH The hoys in the cast i draw i salaiy of t30 a month from the navy and they are doing this for the Xavy Relief society to i all the go. It is the society looks after the wives, i and daughters of sailors. Tnere are 107 lads on the trip and they will set i discharge after they the i they hai laid out.

All the music of the "show was i by James 0 Keefe. himself a sailor from Great Lakes and the leader of the orchestra. The performance will be repeated tonight. "New 1906 Model." Here's the Great Lakes flivver. Perched on the car are members of the stage crew of the Revue.

At the wheel is Jack Goldberg, -stage manager, who built the car. The others are Bob Goldberg, electrician; Sam Savitt, assistant electrician; George Mandel, a Art Ivadlson, "props," ana Irvins? Shalek, scene paintei Sick. Mrs. George DeVault, 458 Greenwood a i i has been called to Indianapolis on account of the serious Illness or her nephew, son of Wilson, formerly of this city, whc has the Influenza There Is a great deal of influenza there just now. Victory Ceremonial to Be Held Thursday.

Tho ictory ceremonial of temple, Nobles of the i i ll be i.elfi at Springfield Thursday, Dec. 12, and 100 or more Dec a Shriners are a i to attend. It will be In a nature of a i Thousands of tho members of the order helped to i the victory in the big: war just closed A a General Frank S. Dickson. who IB Illustrious a of A a temple, In sending out the a i for this bier event, says: The Victory Ceremoiiial of Ansnr Temple will held on December 12.

Great developments a come sinre our last splendid a i i ceremonial The on-comins a of December 12, i be one of Jubilee Victory has come to our soldiers abroad, who i hearts of gold sinews of and a courage comparable onh the greatness ol 1'ieir cause a i of i and held a the flag which has drooped In defeat. "In this preat Shriners overseas and at home have played a noble part It Is, therefore I that the ceremonial. The occasion and the cause should combine to make e-v cry i Templar or Thirty Second Degree Mason in the i i i of Ansar Temple determined to be present on a memorable occasion. "Fraternally, F. S.

DICKSON "Illustrious a Recovering From Wounds Received in Action. Word has, been id'cived tu the effect that i reported i i in action in France is in a i a in France recovering from wounds i prelved In action. This. I a i came to his a Thomas M. Brown, of this city, in a letter from his son sasb in the letter a he is getting along: arid to bo out a a i few a 3 Mr.

i received a telegram a two weeks the gov i a i that his son waa missing. UP hn-! icceiveil no i i a i a ditional i a i came in a lettei from the son i It likely a lie became separated from Ins I i a repmtecl missuifc, i i i a i being IS APPOINTED. Mrs a a i Gochnaur was Mon- RESUME SERVICES AT ST. JOHANNES' Next Sunday sei vices of St a nes' church i a a i be held In the i i i Tlie congregation his been meeting In the young people's hall while repairs were being a at the i will be obsei ved a morninpr. A will be from 1 to 8 p.

Thursday Midweek A service i be helrt In the hall Wednesday i at (lav a i a i of the The a catechetical class will estate of her a S. M. Holmes meet Tuesday night at 7 31). Practical, pleasing and appropriate-- you could select no better Christmas gift than a pair of shoes for a man. We will help you in the matter of size and lasts, so as to assure perfect satisfaction.

Your money cannot be more economically placed, nor could your gift represent more in value or in personal consideration of the recipient. Of All the Gifts Sent Out by You, He Likes the Best, His Christmas Shoo Are Favorites for Intimate Gifts Shoes, Black Shoes $5.50 TO $9.00 $4.00 TO $10.00 148-E MAIN A ILL ON Ti TABLES Complaints Being Made by "Sweet The restaurant men eay that the man who wants to make his coffee simply coffee by use of much sugar are complaining because susar bowl IB not placed within their reach. The restaurant men are not allowed to put the sugar bowl on the counter or on the table. They are also restricted to the use of the same amount of butter and cheese as before the recent lowering of the bars on food regulations and they are being cautioned very particularly against waste. The public eating places aro i itely held to the use of four pounds of sugar to ninety meals served and this Includes all that Is used In the kitchen as well ns In the i i room.

PLACED The men have placed upon their honor aa all limitations as to their buying have been taken oCC by the administration. They no longer need a license or permit but they uro expected as patriotic citizens to stay within the i i This Is a liberal allowance and there no a i except from some customers iv cannot see the need for a i for the lest of the world. OBSERVING ECLDS. Most restaurant men are observing the rules conscientiously but some of the customers who think a all restrictions have been token have seen Inclined to i a the pubic caterers ero a i i a a of them. Such not tho c.vsc.

The rcntau- ant men a still expected to be a In the of food ami they are still subject to the a i r- gardhiK the a of sugar, and cheese served. ton, son of Morton Morton sailed lor France Oct. 28 In Company 21 of the Military police. Two days before they landed they received the new the signing of the armistice and ns that meant no further work for the men in the military police service they went lent back a a two weeks' rest. The names of Chester Manuel of Altamont and Joseph Jf.

Tennery of Beecher City appear in the casualty Hits among the wounded, degree undetermined. Herman Bartels of this city also was wounded In Trance on Nov. 10. ATTENDS HEALTH MEET AT CHICAGO Health Officer Will Harding to Chicago Tuesday morning to attend a meetinr of the American Public Health Commissioner Mattes, head of the local health department, found It to get away, but he and Mayor Dlnneen thought It advisable that some one from Decatur should preient as valuable for itamplnc out Influenza will doubtless be mal-: at meeting. BOY IS SHOT WHILE PLAYING WITH GUN Hattoon, Dec.

10--Charles, fourteen year old ion of Daniel Lawhorn, four miles southwest of Mattoon, was accidentally ihot Sunday afternoon while he and a number of a i a soon afterward from U.e lad wag taken to the Metnoi pltal. but died toon after the city and nurgeo) attend him. The load frcunV ntrat region of the hips of entered the nrnl lor testlnep. CASTOF For Infante and Child In Use For Over 3O Air bears the Signature of FIRST SOLDIER RETURNS Erfmsham, Dec. 10--The Hist Eff a boy back from France is now at home, having been mustered out of the service He Is Prank Mor- GREAT SHOE SALI For Wednesday and Thursday flERE'S a Glorious Opportunity to save Shoe Money, there days, when Shoes arc co ing more than ever before.

It is the time of the year when we hold our Anni Clearance Sale and Shoes are actually forced right out of our store by the power of Prices. If the saving of a nice little sum of Shoe Money is any object to you these tira COME RIGHT TO THIS SHOE SALE AND SAVE IT! i Never mind how many Shoes you have are Shoes" Today and Several pairs at present prices will be a good investment. THESE SHOES MUST GO! 500 pairs Ladies' Patents and Dull leather $2.50 shoes in button, all sizes for 200 pairs Ladies' G. M. Button and Lace Shoes, tip and plain toes, mostly pfffc low flat heels, all sizes for 200 pairs Misses' Gun Metal Button Sho cloth tops, sizes to 2 for 100 pairs, sizes to 11 for 72 pairs Ladies' champagne leather, a gray lace shoes.

broken sizes DECATUR SHOE STORI 523 NORTH WATER STREET. 6PEN AT CO UC5 UP FOR A NOW IS THE TIME WE SERVE YOU BEST! Are you saying to yourself "I wish I could afford some new clothes, but I have to spend so much between now and Christmas I can't spire the money." Yes, we know hundreds who have said the tame words, and we have solve i their problems--why not you? WEAR VOUR CLOTHES NOW! PAY Spend what you need for Xmas-buy the good things to eat--toyi for the little tots, and everything else to make it a day of joy. Use your cash for these things and CHARGE YOUR CLOTHES wear them Xmas Day--look your best--you can take care of the payments later. A small sum each pay day-- i YOU'LL BE SURPRISED when you will get the habit, how easy it is to dress well, how little you miss a small amount at a time. YOU'LL TRADE HERE SOME DAY WHY NOT NOW? CLOTHES FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS PAY AS YOU WEAR ARO THE FIRST PAYMENT ON OPCNINGKNSW ACCEP1 PEOPLES CLOTHING 129 E.

Main St. LADIES SUIT SALE If you haven't secured one of these wonderful suits you'd better hurry! Although they are telling rapidly there is still good picking--but Hurry--they won't last long. SAVE To We' Clothe the Family. A Small Sum- Weekly Will Do. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING CO.


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