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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 7

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 7

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MONEY TO LOAN For short time on reaH estate, household goods or od personal EOBEENT-T wo rooms in the third story over West's Lincoln Hquare pharmacy. Apply Koberts room 19. Colombia block. fl5-d6 BARUA1A MMM. FOR ALS On easy payments soma gord i work Borss very cheap.

Apply to K. B. bimock. No. 145 Nortn Water street, over Abel's carpet store or at Dimock's feed and sale stable, i west end of Eldorado street.

17-d6 TTTANTED Pumpe! Pomps! Pomps! Ev-T erybody to buy pumps, Walter A. Wood and Minneapolis binders, mowers, hay takes repairs, and twine from K. A. Kelly, 304 to 808 North Franklin street. Call and obtain prices, 15dl2 1JHY Not be beautiful? Special offer, good for thirty days.

Send this advertisement and cnts silver or stamps and receive by ier: rn mtil one bottle of oor celebrated Cream of for the complexion. Eradicates black-fcada. Tiimole. frejlea and all other facial btiphee and leaves the skin eolt and white. This is sn honest offer; don't be deceived by showy advertisements.

Agents wanted, both i security. Chas, T. Haigo, 152 ast Main 8trt over Busher'e e-ho store, 25-tf MONEY TO 1X)AN On real eetatts lun mihinaT-s Iimbut hi.nul.., or good personal security. House rented, MiU-and accounts collected. J.W.

Redman i'o. over Millikin's bank. S-28-tf "ONEY TO LOAN On household giKKlt; farm implements, live rtock and all kinds' of personal property. Collections of all kinde will receive prompt attention. hoaeee to rent.

W. N. Andrews, orlice 144 Kst Main MONEY to loan on ttm i-oseibls notice, loans ma-ie on live -tock, household goods or any good chattels, loans on real estate at current rates. C. S.

Hankies, 201 North Main street, northwest corner Main etrset and Prairie avenue. 9-dtf "VJONEY TO LOAN In large oud amounts. Loans made on live stock, farm implements or household goods. All classes of loans negotiated on short notice. Liwne oo farms and city business property at 6 per cent, interest.

Apply to A. T. Summers, over Abel's new carpet store. 145 North Water street I rt-27tf FINANCIAL. SEVEN per cent mortciuies f.

sale on Improved, insured Chicairo property worth twice the amount of loan. 500 opwarde, interest semi-annually. Edward G. Panting 145 La-Salle 6treet, Chicago. Befcrences.

Hide rod Leather National bank. Commercial Loan and Trust Chicago- 25-4wke MEDICAL. B. O. T.

EDDY, dentist, room 10, Colum- oian oiock. I I4im" LADIES Use Dr. Dirmitt's monthly rgulaf ing pills; sure, sate, poeitive; ssnt to any address post prepaid for also other female specialties; boo sent free. Address H. E.

Burnett, Island Heih'B, Ocean coULty, N. J. Agents wanted. i-4w OUIET, pleanit home for ladies before and during cijnnnenient. best medical services; Minna Nathansou, 8K-' West 12th street, Chicago.

18-4wks 1 ADIES AJJPENTIO Mrs. Dr. Mary How- ard treaffl a' 1 female troubles successfully: also takes Isj Ito in confinement. Examination and conBultarion free. Office and residence 13 Clinton street, near John street, Cincinnati, O.

12-4wks CLAIRVOYANT Attention! Secrets of life nnveiled. Seeing is believing. She calls yoo by name; tells what yoo came for; gives correct advice on all matters of interest in bneiness. Jaw suits, speculations, investments, insurance, love. courtBbip, matrimony, divorce, social or domestic affairs.

Unites the settles lover's quarrels and causae a tpeedy and happy marriage with the one of yonr choice. She is the only Hindoo charm worker in America. ThB powerful, unseen force of this talisman makes the wearer absolutely successful in all affairs and accomplishes that which before seemed hopeless. Thie is the true eecret of success. Remain not in darkness but call at once at 272 West Main street.

Honrs trom 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 17-d8 Powers' Fine Shoes, $2.00.

1' Powers' Fine Oxfords, $1.50, Powers' Fine Shoe, $2.00. Powers' Fine Shoe. 2tt7, $1.25. Powers' Ladies' Shoe, $1.25. Can you beat it? Powers' White Trimmed Boots, $3.00.

Powers' Fine Congress. $2.50. Opera House Tlarber Shop. BATHS CENTS. 129 S- Warr St.

A. T. Grist. O. 333Ft ATVDOBI, Optician.

Examination free. 121 North Water street, Decator UL Powers' Fine $1.50 Oxfords. Powers' Patent Leathers, S3.C0 Powers' Fine Shoes. $1.25. 5 FOB SALE This week only, furniture half price far cash.

Akers 4 Sanford, Columbia block, next to postoifice. 17-d6 USINES8 FOB SALE In Springfield; old! i eeuauuseea, well paying anntactumg bnsiness. Bueinees to June 1 atead of last year. Five montbeof active season ahead. Unlimited Bel l.

Bniiness over S5.000 per year; SO to 40 per cent clear. I in account of ill health cf owner will sell for $1,500, worth S1.8C0. Easy lerned. not over dune. Suitable for good mechanic; nve earo iow rent; have taken over i $4i0 county fair week; stats fair ought to in- I crease: ill guarantee 1,500 receipts next foor' morths or forfeit shortage, if rightly managed.

1 Address, stating means, "Mannfactnrtjr, care Herald-Despatch. 17-dG COME QDICK We have to have money. To btain it we will sell furnitnre for half of its worth tbis week, for ca-h only. Akers A Ssn'ord. Colnmbia block, first door north of posuifice.

fl7.dti OW IS THIS? New home grown potatoes II at 90 cents per buehel in five bnshel lots. We expect in a few days to be able to sell them for SO cents a bushel. ZarisellerJc Son. 16-d6 OR SALE-Royal English Mastiff pups, JTJ three moEths old, of best blood in America tc-day. Am closing ont my kennels for want of room and offer stock very cheap, J.

C. Com- auurewfl, lnd. Ln-Qb TOR SALE A new improved Edison phon- ograph for 60. Walters. Gray B.

1100. 215 Dearborn Btreet, 15-d6 FOR SALE A good row boat; will sell at a bargain Cail at Akers Sanford 's nrni-ture store Columbia iilock. next to the poet-otiice. A. G.

14-d6 OR SALE A pair of scales cheap. Inquire MATJREB Is cutting, cutting, cutting prices on high grade bicycles; no reasonable offer refnsed; aeency for the March, Crescent, Crown, Count Jnno, Hob Boy, Prince8, Pet, etc. Catalogue free, 76 State street, Chicago. 14-(16 HOBsES FOB SALE I will be at the Paker barn on South Main street, Jnne 16, with a bnuch of good young horses 2 to. years old and all broke.

Will remain until everything is sold. Wm. Boles. I13-d6 FOR SALE A good fire proof safe, single door, has also inside door, is all riizht and wiil be sold cheap. Apply to Michael McGinty, 250 North Water street.

13-d6 -Evenbody can eat potatoes in a few days at 25 cents a peck. Zuri6eller 13-d FOB SALE I offer for sale one 4 year-old bay horse, tine to pull, works welf in 6iiafts, gets head up in good style, would bs nice for a young man to drive; six miles northwest, on the Hei son fat m. B. F. Frazee, box 3 Decatur, or call on Jake Showers, at Nelson's ice fhctory.

13-d6 "V70THING LIKE IT On accouct of death. a splendid soda-water bn-iness; cheap at 200 per cent profit; b9 quick; it wont stop long. J. P. 4 Alton.

111. -risi6 HOTEL Lease and furniture for sale; 60 rooms in city of SO.OJO; owner gnarantes a pro6t of $5,000 per year; price with 54,500 down. Also 30 rooms in city of 5,000 in Ohio, guaranteed to clear $100 per month; price We have several good hotel properties to exchange for real estate. 0. S.

Hotel Reference Agency, Manhattan bnilding, Chicago, 13 dti FOR SALE -Good clear timothy hay for sale, Also good jack oak wood. Call on H. Smock, at 432 East Main Btreet. o4-tf SEWING Machine Supplies. You can now get oil.

oil cans, belts, screwdrivers and ne-dles and snpnlies of all kinds for anyxna- criio -8 at ntast wimam street, Gea.Jr-. eiome old stand. -26-lrno TTH)I1 SALE-Cabbage and tomato plants; al jj kinds of greanhouse plants; well grown and 1 i a i i cut uowers, ueftiguu, tuiu everymiiiy 111 mo florist's line. Adam Balmer, North Union Street Greenhouse, Decatur, 111. a22-tf VJIANOj.

organs, musical instruments, jew-X elry. silverware, watches, clocks, lamps, lace curtains, window Bhades, chenille goods, carpet sweepers, on easy payments if desired. A practical jeweler in the 6tore. A suc-cessf al niatio tuner and organ renairer. Satis- facion guarantee S.

Garrett 449 Water street. J7-U SAFES All sizes and makes at prices that defy cmp-tition; don't buy a safe till you see us; safes received to sell; no storage charged. W. S. Dix 49 and 51 Dearborn street, Chicago.

28 4wJh MISCELLANEOUS. ja XARKY If you want a husband or wife, XtjL rich or poor, send '0 cents for matrimonial paper. Sent in sealed wrapper. Acdress World's Corresponding Club, Englewood, 111, 17-d6 RUTHSRKORD'S Mira- ulnm, the wonderful cure for affections of th9 eyes. Toe discoverer was confine to a dark room over years with granulated and ulcerated eyes.

Cured connd and well in sixty days. Ounce bottle 35 cents. 258 Condit street, Decatur, 111. jl7-tf ASTKOLOGES-Totiosewhowishto know their fumre; who and when they will marry; how to win the love of the one you wish. Send date of birth and lock of hair with 25 cen's ti Miss Floyd, 4)50 Union avenue, Chi cago, in.

lu at IN ST A A EOTJ3 Ref erence to the weekday corresponding with any calendar date forever by the Perpetual Dial Calendar, which also is jist as cjEvenient as any ordinary calendar for common eqery day reference. C. R. Tal-cott, S58 Dearborn street, Chicago, III. U7-d8 TREE Send for onr book.

"How to Soecn- JD late Successfully in Grain and Stocks." Trading on limited margins fully explained; investments made in all eecuritiea dealt in on New York stock exchange and Chicago board of trad. foates 4 Kialto Bldg Chicago, Ul. 18-d6 A TEST, nc imposition. Greatest business c'airvoyant and best medium is the original Mrs. Foster; telle everything, names, at 42 East 31t street, near Cottage Grove avenue.

Chicago; 50 cents to $1: gentB, S2; Sundays. Satisfaction or no pay. Correspondence by mail on receipt 21 stamps and date of birth. ie-d6 PRIVATE HOME for confinement at a lady pb sician residence; home! comforts and carefol nursing. Address Dr.

Blanchard. 319 West Ninth street. Cincinnati. Ohio. 16 d6 GETMArimEO-S ndformy big marriage pate endreds of r.dviiisets want hns-Dands and wives; maileil sealed for stamp.

Harreck, Denver, Colo. '6-d6 ATI ENTIOS Phosphate drinks are wholesome, refreshing and popular For family ate, fairs, picnics, public gatherings. Send 50 for Orange or California Cherry Hdere. State which ens. 0.

L. Page, lock box fGJ, Des SoineB, Iowa. 13-d6 LIVEKY-T. Doake, at No. 201 West Wood street, has a complete line of surreys, busrgies, c.

and has safe, gentle horses that women can drive. All orders are given prompt and courteous attention. 15-6d TADIES Cura-Jlatrix insures health and happiness: removes all suffering and relieves ad anxiety; investigate by sending for freecircnlars. Adrees Peerless Chemical Co wvnmB 17 Or-. I IB Vr, 1 1 Wrotk 1' Chicago, Iil t.U-ao MBS.

.1 ESS IE AVI DSON Room 9 Fenton bloctr. is prepared to do first class dressmaking at easoaable prices; will teach cutting and fitting by ladies' tailor and dree making in all branches. Will cail on ladies at their homes if desired. 15 dG MBS. H.

BAMBEBGEB. midwife-Ladies can find help and board; reasonable rsten 9:9 Chonteau avenue, St. Louis, Mo PiTENTS-Patenta obtained in all countries; preliminary examinations ma-e; opinions as to validity end scope of patents rendered; rejected applications revived and pnecated; trademarks, copyrights and caveats registered: terms low. Chss. C.

Tillman, room 818. No. 112 Clark street, Chicago. 13-do Powers' 2.00. in this column at a price of 25 cents per uasabie invariably iu advance.

To persons ThnVre ont of employment and are advertiung a ulace, half price. Advertisements long -r words pay 2 cents for each a.di-tl'uE&l forty word or less. 3IALE HELP WANTED. tiT ASTEO-Good agents, either eei atonce; big money to rignt parties, stamp for pur-volars J- Henry White, 80 Adams street, Ciii- I per month and expenses paid good men lor umiUK uruere. oiuiui woe i'roteccive Aurranes, (ieneva, Y.

I rASTED Agents Men or women having rom tlto is capital can make liom ia to 5 per week. Call or write to Electric I Ttrht Enlarging 245 Eaat Randolph street, Chicago, in- VLESM AN Responsible party in every coon-, tj t- sell Baunerraan's Phenyls Disinfectant awarded highest honors at World's Fair in coinpeiition against the world; liberal terms. Dane 113 Adams street, Chicago. 15-d6 (iENTS -Article ana territory rresn nouse-A. hold necessity; no competition; hustlers itaii" in tr day; something everybody wants: wiil furnish counties to general agents; no toy or fake; a-solutely the best seller on earth; rite fnr particulars.

L. A. Hastings. 809 Masonic Temple, ntcaqu. u.j-h" fir ANTED Unemployed men in every city to .,.1.

nam nntuntufi nrHMA fnr T1RA fin fcrn doors; du" is just tne season to sell them, nii jonr na ne on petal for particulars to JdiIJ Knntsson. Itcckford, 111. 14-dt) INSURANCE 4GENTS To solicit for Bank-era' and Merchants' Life Association of Illinois: tne most liberal policy at, lowest rates; incontestable: non-forfeitable; surrender valne; tutal lii-arility clause; decreasing premium; our ag-nte succeed where others tail; liberal con-tracH with first-clas men. C. E.

Hambleton, General Manager, 403-411 The Temple, Chicago. -lll-d WANTED Active both sexes, for the "Never Born-Out Lamp Wick;" no trimming no smoke, no smell, perfect beantitul name sells at every house. percent nmht; eictU9ive territory. Send 40 cents for sAmples one and one-hall dozen, three sizes mo-t ured. Unique Apoliance company, 33 La- TASTED Agents everywhere to solicit shipments or all kinds of country pro-dace; efte.

poultry, butter, vegetables, honey, grain, hav. wool, hides, furs, tallow, beeswax, rags, feathers, veals, lambs, provisions, etc. i- E. Wetzel Commission company, li2 North Main etreot, St. LonlB 13-dfl WANTED Agents.

Salary or commission. Kew burglar alarm. No electricity, no bell, no weights. Sella on sighr. Immense profit.

Freeh territory. Noccuipetition. i') cents. Weyburn Hume, 18 to SO West Kandolpti street, Chicago, 111. 1 13-d6 IITAN'TED Bright man as local manager of our business in every small city and village; no canvassing; 53 weekly; can devote all or part of time; position permanent; inclose stamped envelope.

Address "Manager," ltl Dearborn street, Chicago. fl3-cl6 AliENTS wanted to handle our hardy Canadian grown nursery Btvck; salary and expenses or commission; exclusive territory, whole or part time; control all speciRl linen. Stone Wellington, Madison, Wis. -8wks WANTED Salesmen salary from start permanent place. Brown Bros.

Nurserymen, Chicago. HI. f20-24w "I irANTED male and female, in and outside of city, to sell eight staple household necessities. They sell at sight; 100 percent, profit. Small investment starts you.

Send stamp for circulars. Egleston Fifth avenue, room 704 Chicago, 111. 10-4w HELP WANTED-I can furnish both males and females with taey and pleasant om ploymentat home (no canvassing.) Can earn from $2 to S5 per day, and no experience needod. This is something entirely new. Head ten cents (silver) for samples of work and full particu lare.

6. H. Carpenter. Mich. 10-4w FEMALE HELP WANTED, A gtrl 16 to 20 years old at No.

827 North Mercer street, light work. CaU at once 19-6d WANTED A girl for housework at No. 711 North Morgan street. One who can sleep at home preferred. Call to-day.

19 6d WANTED Ladies who can write plainly can make good wages writing for me in their homes; work ready to send. Address with stamp Miss Kate Kudolph, South Bend, lnd. W-dtl ANY LADY Who desires to make $20 per week qoietly at her own home, address with stamped enveloi e. Mis Gertrude TMohter, Joliet, Ul. This is a bona-fide offer, and if on can only spare two hours per day it will pay Son to investigate 15-d6 WANTED A girl for general housework in a family of two.

Apply at 445 East Decatur street. 14-lw WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply at 1430 East Condit street. fl4-d6 WANTED Immediately at theCentral house (Union depot) a dish washer, and a dining room girl who thoroughly understands the work. No other need apply.

13-d6 WANTED At once a dining room girl at the Park SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALES. ANTED By a good girl a position to do housework in a small family where no washing is required. Call at 137B North Clinton street. 13-d8 WANTED Situation by two young ladies in hotel or private family. Address 519 West Cerro Gordo street.

S-12d SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Situation in the country; well experienced and can give reference. Call at 338 East William street, by Saturday WANTED Situation by a thoroughly competent cook, either in pastry or meats and vegetables. Can give first class references. Apply to George Valentine at Singleton's restaurant, Lincoln square.

119 6d MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED You to know we have moved ocr stock of second-hand goods to 801 North WBter street. We have added new line of tinware and notions. We do noholstering, rope policing. See oar gasoline stoves.

Keardon Cj -ri4d WANTED The ladies of Decatur to know that I do all kinds of dressmaking in the very latest styles at prices to correspOBd witn the times. Cutting and fitting promptly and neatly done. Nellie Simons, corner of North Monroe and Marietta streets. 17-dtf UTANTED-Yon to know we are here to srav VV at 737 North Water street. If you want anything in secona-nand gooas can on us.

we can renair your gasoline or cook stoves. We will sell goods to suit the times. A. Bourne. 17-d6 "TTTANTED My friends and patrons to know that I have just received a new stock of sneeuiclae which I nave bonght at extremel low prices and will give my patrons tte advantage of tnese prices, nary neeoiit, .100 norm arte street.

117-ais "TTTANTED Yon to know that Akers A Pan. VY ford are running half price sales on bed room suits and certain other lines of furnitnre. Your chance of a life time to buy furniture cheap ror cbso. iHuuinuia iikal to pstomce. U-do ANTED Board and room in private family by young man: within six blocks of HradlevtBros.

referred. Can give best nf ref. erences- Address 8. care Herald-Despatch. "TTTANTED Yoo to know yon can get first class board at IS per week.

Sly house is conveniently located, corner East William and Franklin streets: only one block from Bradley Bros. Mrs. Lizzie Andrews. 15-d6 SU POWERS' BAR61I5S TT7TOR BENT An elegant suit of rooms on the second floor over McGinty's 2)8 North Water street; gas, water, all conveniences; rooms may be cut into three apartments or all thrown into one. Apply to Michael MsGinty, 250 North Water street.

13-d6 1iOR BEN A large, doable room on second JD floor cf Central block. Applv Lewis Moore's real estate office, 141 Merchant street. I3.d6 T7K)B BENT A rear room on trie second floor JD in the bulldineat the rner o' Lincoln cqaareaud West Main street; jost newly papered. Call at countj iil 13-dii FOB BENT Rooms on the second floor over Peake 4 Sons, suitable for office or living rooms. Apply to L.

Peake Sons, the low price jewelers, 138 Merchant street. m-3-tf FOK KENT Business rocn at 246 North Main street. Syndicate block, fitted for a grocery store. Shelving, counters, cases, rented with tiie room. Thos.

A Pntchett. a24- tf ROOMS FOR BENT One front parlor, first floor, 16x18; one front chamber, 1616; two smaller bed rooms, with all modern conveniences at 225 North Kdward street, west side, two doers north of Prairie avenue. i 12-tf FOB BENT Booths in Gailagher block, either in 6uito or single; all conveniences, steam heat, water and gas. Apply to A. J.

Gallagher. Room 9. 1-tf FOB BENT Offices in the Columbia block Convenient to the telegraph and postomca. Applv to J. T.

Roberts. Librars Block. fl4-tf JB KENT Splendid room6n the new Win gate block, suitable for offices or light hoc keeping, with all modern convenience at reai nable prices. Also a fine store room in firsti location. Apply at 428 North Water stMA 22-lm FOR BENT No use to allow a house which might bring you an income to stand idle.

Every day that it does so it costs you far more than the quarter necessary to advertise it in this column and get a tenant. 1-tf FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE If yoo want to buy a farm cheap in the finest wheat and corn section in the world, call on or write me. Merchandise Steam Flouring Mill and equities in Chicago lots also for sale or exchange. K.

T. Wilkinson, broker, Mt. Carmel, 111. 17-d6 TTIOR SALS Two good houses, one of three rooms, the other six rooms. Will take va cant lots in part payrrent.

M. Clokey, 223 North Water street. 17-J6 FOR SALE Nice four room house at 1243 East Orchard street; also two room house in Edmond street. Will sell at a bargain if sold in ten days; part cash, balance terras to snit. W.

K. Macmasters, 913 East North street. 17-d3 FOR SALE Real estate improved; also vacant lots in all parts or the city. Houses for rent. Call find get prices before investing.

Life and fire insurance; notary pnblic Room 3, Library block. J. S. Hngbes. 17-d6 SPECIAL A KG AI Good seven room dwelling in good location; only four blocks from pestonice.

This a rare bargain: come and see me at once, tf L. Drake, real estate and insurance broker, room 2, Colnmbia block. 17 d6 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Caoice farms in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana. Also stocks of merchan-die, hotels and city property. If you want to buy.

sail or exchange ny kind of prooerty ad-drees Carter. Clinton. Illinois. 18d6-w2w IT'OK SALE At a birsaiu. One of the best etoc and grain farms in St.

Oharles county. 435 acres, 3 -0 acres in cultivation, balance in woods, pasture, fine timber; living water in eierv field: large two-story stone house, with ell: cellar under whole house; three large barne; one mile from station on M. K. T. railroad; forty miles from Louis; S32 per acre; easy terms.

For particulars aadreje, W. C. Clemi-son, Warreuton, Mo. 14-d3 FOR 8ALE-A corner lot at Johns avenue and Webster street; lot. 42x140.

The nnest lot in tht city. A bargain to person meaning business. Mrs. M. Heakle, 350 South VTebster street.

14 dl2 TOR SALE Special bargain in new seven room houTO four closets, three porches, good cellar, well and cistern. Hons finiehed with East Lake throughout. Near the Wabash yards. Just the place for a man. very ea6y.

L. Drake, room 2, Colnmbia block. 14-d6 IjlOK SALE Or exchange for real estate or young stock, a five-year-old roadster stallion. Address T. G.

Prickett. city, FARM LANDS FOB SALEA bargain fo homeseekers end otters a little Spare money to invest in jo-' ivi.Mtiir lands. P. Foley, walnnr. Bureau county.

111. 15-dS-w2 FOR SALE 03 TBADE A modern seven room honse in every particular. Centrally located. Two modern eight room houses on North Water street. A good four room house on Mason street.

A bouse of six rooms, barn, furnace, well and cistern; 80 feet frontage on North Clinton street. A six room house on Notth Monroa street. A seven room house, well, cistern and gas on Central avenne, A five room house on East William street. A four room house on North Main street. Properties for sale or trade in a 1 parts of the city.

Call and see me. Chas. T. Haigh, 152 East Main street. j'3-tf FOR SALE Exceedingly fine stock farm for F.

P. Brown, Gillett, Ark. I3-d8 FOR SALE OB BENT A good four-room house on West Decatur street; good well, cistern and outbuildings. Call at Drobisch 537 West Wood EOR SALE HonBn of nine rooms, good well, cistern and barn, furnace in house. Lot 64x150 feet: good shade trees and brick walk all around Corner of Haworth avenne and we6t Main etreet.

Also lot 50x159 feet on West Main street. Shade trees and brick walk in front. Apply 125 East William street. j-tf FOB SALE Fine farm. One of the best 200 acre farms in the connty for sale.

Call and res me. A. H. Mills, executor of will of John Sawyer Er. 1 24-tf EOR SALE House of six rooms at tho cornor of Eldorado and College streets, water, sewerage, well and cistern, furnace, gas, good barn, will be sold very cheap for cash.

At ply at Kek Weigand'a cigir store. W. H. Wehrley. 19-tf FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS.

I7SOX hounds, at panic prices. "Glenwood Kelle" (30781) and BuckBhot (3J780). aiso three puppies from same, whelped March 10, 1891. all are black, white and tan, first check for S75 gets the lot. F.

A. Oatman, East Orange, i rin ffj TTVHITE face black Spanish, biel them thirty jears, will sail cockerels now for 2, tnree Circular Rid my photo free. John Gunman, rupiey b'uhij. muiuiia. jiwiAMwi Heraltl-ueeparcn.

en LIVEKY For any style of livery rig call at 564 North Water street. I haveacom-CJetelineof open o- cohered vehicles, good, gentle drivers for ladies O' anything kept in a first class bam. A. M. McGee, telephone 449.

lf-dlm FOR SALE A new road wagen and a set of sine'e harness; will sell either or both at a bargain. Call at trawn shoo, 241 East William sTreet: V. TTIOB 8 ALE -A bay horse with white star in forehead and right hind hock swollen. lOom Kntnrdav Will 0 SOl'l 'l" June 23. Buyer must pay charges, 7.25.

and also pay tor ieea. reeuoury -uarju, i-uuuu- master. 19-8d EOB SALE Blue-hlooded Painter puppies, comprising the blood lines of snch noted does as "Osborne Ale," Ch. Duke of Eesen," Mike." "Ch. King of Kent," "Ch.

Bobt. LaDiable Prices way down. Fairview Kennels, we IOB SALE Three young Poland-China hogs A .1 plv to 0. D. Bone, Walnut Grove addition.

17-d6 Powere' 75c Oxfords. TITANTED Bead this. All persons wart ng fV horses or colts broken to ride or drive, call on John Crane, 251 East Herkimer. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Charges IT ANTED A few more boardee can gst first class accommodations near the ba-in ss center of the city at reasonable rates.

Also icely furnished ro ms to rent- Mrs. C. A. Towne, LM West Main street. 114 dfl ANTED Everybody to know that I clean cisterns by a patent contrivance which removes all dirt and sediment without taking out the water.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Leav orders at Heilman's grocery. W. Hall. iS-ci6 VirANTED Gasoline stoves, lawn mowers and bicycles to repair, raws to file and t.

Drop me a card at S01 North Water street, I will call for werk and deliver it; secondhand goods bought and sold. John Mead. 13d6 WANTED You to call at 24fl East Main street and see the bargains am offering for the next two" weeks in all kinds of second hand goods. Furniture and casoline stoves repaired on short notice. M.

Cnance. 12 dI2 VfTANTED Good home or place to work for two good, bright boys, aued 13 and 15 respectively. Call at 417 East William street. It dB IT ANTED Everybody to know th it I hiwe a VY lavgestock of wall parjer that I will sail at cost for fche next thirty days. Also window shades.

Call at 257 North Main street and Eee them. Thos. P. Koddy. 12-U2 TirANTED Yon to call at 249 East Main VV street and se the bare-uns I am offering for the next two weeks in all kinds of secondhand goods: furniture and gasoline oves re paired on snort notice, w.

i nance I lu-aia ANTED To introduce articles of merit, eamDles of nsefol household articles. novelties, sent free. Enclose two stamtie lor postage. Address Towner, lock oox Marshalitown, Iowa. ml9-3m WANTED James Hollinper wants his old friends and customers to know that he has bonght ont the barber shop at 742 East Klilorado street, that he has four good barber chairs.

ta8 competent workmen and can assure all oi a good enave wnen visit mui; nriiei.ii; irnii ciilli-iib and shampooing. Also furnishes Turkish or Russian baths. Parties who wish to have Turkish or Russian baths should send in their names and make engagements ahead in order that tbey may not be disappointed when they come for snch a bath. It takes time to give a Tnrkiek bath and do it right. Apparatus is complete and service good.

fa7-tf WANTED Every mother should keep a bottle of Reed's German Cough and Kidney Cure in the house. It is the only remedy for croup. It contains no pDtson. There no danger from its WANTED-If you are troubled with indigestion you should chew Sylvan chewing gum. Save the wrappers and get a nice present.

6-tf WANTED You to know that 1 build cisterns, do plastering, clean wells and cisterns, do roof painting, and all kinds of ob work promptly attended to, by addressing J. G. Cooper, 875 North Union street. 28-tf WANTED -Yon and everybody else to know that Louis Mackenzie, the old reliable, is still at the same old stand. No.

143 East Prairie street. Boots and shoes neatly and promptly repaired. Boots and shoes made to order by competent worKmen. (s29-tf TO EXCHANGE. EOB SALE OE TRADE Two large lumber wagons, a lot o( household goods, and one sewing mHchi ue nearly new Call or address 135 Kast Prairie Btreet.

17-dS TTTANTED To exchange a horse, light or "4 drafc for a No 1 cow coming in in September or Ocober. Address box TO KENT HOUSES. FOR BENT A grod nine room house on East Leafland avenue. Good well, barn and outbuildings. Apply to J.

E. Osborne. No. 135 East Prairie avenue. 17-lw "TTWR BENT House 969 North Main Btreet.

Modern conveniences. Call at 975, next door north. 17-d-l FOR KENT A good house of eight rooms, 7a3 West Macon street, with modern improvements; lso have a good barn wilt rent reasonable. Inquire at 1069 North Water street. 14 d6 YTtOR RENT House of ten rooms with water, Sj gas and furnace, in good repair, within three blocks of tostoffice.

Apply at 224 East Eldorado street. U-dti- IrtOR RENT House of six rooms at 240 West Prairi street, for Jlri.85 per month in advance. Apply to J. C. Hostetler, 145 North Water street.

13-46 FOB BENT At 1087 West Main street, a house of six rooms. Inquire of H. Meri-weather at 225 North Water 13-d6 FOB KENT -A good six room house, well cistern and cellar, 1506 East Eldorado l- -1m mnm tinHEQ fallnt Hireeb. AISUI, im well and cistern at 1720 East Eldorado street. Call on J.

ct, vatnpDBll, 1U4 jrrairie sireei, over Lutz's music store. 8-t FOB BENT House of foor rooms, pantry, cellar, wall, cistern, all in good repair, being newly papered, located on Clinton street. Apply to John Giblin, 1157 North Clinton 6treet. -fj-ltf T7OR BENT A good house of ten rooms sail -T basemeot, at 347 West North street: gas, hot and cold water, bath room and all modern improvements, all in perfect condition; rent 530. Inquire of Mrs, B.

L. Walston. 8-tf TO KENT-ROOMS. FOB KENT Four good rooms on first floor at No. 809 North Main street.

Parties with children need not apply. Inquire on premises. l9-6d FOB BENT Neatly furnished rooms in a desirable part of the city. Also a good foor room house. Enquire at 637 East North 6d FOB BENT With several large, cool, furnished rooms, on second floor; at 320 West Main street.

All modern convnienco9. I9d6 EOB KENT One or three upstair rooms, or will ren six rooms Rnd basa-ment nt 229 West Jefferson street. Only three Mrwk from hns'ness confer. A isy place sulsndid n'iyhhorhoni. required; Z29 West Jefferson street.

19-dS FOR BENT Any style of gasolite stoves at 50 cents a week. Yon pay the rent for a short timeand the stove is yours. Akers San-ford, Columbia block, next door to postofnee. Lii-oo- "TjlOR RENT Nicely tarnished rooia "ear II Knoi'noucantAr. Arinlv fn C.

FeSm. 318 North Church street. fl7-d6 FOtt KENT Neatly furnish? r-oms on second floor, two adjoining on first floor" These roms are all comfortable, fronting to the north. Occupants can have use of bath room. Call at 4'U North Church street.

17-di FOR RENT One splendid o85ce. Apply to Dr. Smith, ovei old postofnee building. -10-tf FOR BEX Nicely famished front parlor on first floor; also back parlor with private entrance, single oren suite, with useof bath; block and a half from Bradleys'. Inquire 340 East William l-tf FOB KENT At 343 South Franklin street, two furnished rooms on first floor and two on second; quiet place; filtered cistern water and good well; good boarding near.

Call soon. -13-dS FOK BENT Two nicely furnished front rooms on first and second floor. Only one block from Lincoln square. Call at 215 Sooth Elam street. 15-d6 FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping; large yard, plenty of well and cistern water: to parties with no small children.

350 Sooth Webster on line of street cars; S10 per month. 15-d6 Powers' Oxfords. $1.50. sexse, write lor uenns. n.

rostsate. Manager, 3310 Cottage Grove avenne, Chicago, 111. 13 d6 MADAM LANE, the Clairvoyant, will gi readings daify to all those desiring ui-1-ormation concerning business, law, love and marriage; gifted by nature wih marvelous me. diumibtic power. Her insight in snch matters cannot be questioned, rjhe givs advice tin love, courtship tnd marriage, settle lovers' quarrels, reunites the separated and causes a speedy and happy marriage with the one of yonrchocce.

lion't fail to con-nit this ladj. She will astonish you with her readinys. Fees 25c 5.1c and $1. Residence at 940 North Monroe street. lii-ori OW.

SkITH attotnwy at Law, does a a general law business. All business en -trnstod to rce will receive prompt attention. Office, 112 North Water etreet. 13-lm DKURY, M'MILLAN 4 K1LEY Real estate dealers. 2 1-3 t'oath Park street; farm, city and personal property for sale, houses to rent and money to lean, square dealing is our motto.

List your property with us. Call and see us. 10-tf JAMES W. cleans houses, takes op and puts down carpets, scrubs carpets, cleans wall paper. Leave otders or telephone orders to Davidson Eyman's grocery store.

Telephone 412. m21-tf BOOKBINDING Portfolios, magazines, music books bound. $1 un: send ns a oostal will cail for and deliver work. The Herald- Despatch Bindery, Decatur, IIL 22-tf ILLINOIS Detective Agency, room 7, overMil-likin's bank. Decator.

IIL We do all kinds of detective work, bunt np strayed or stolen property, make collections, buy, sell and trade in real estate and personal property. Call and eee us 10-7-tf OTOKAGE Regular storage house for al) kinds of merchaBdise, household goods, stoves, goods transferred to and from th house; goods packed, loans made; brick build-ing. Office and wareroom 620 East Mason street Telephone 292. C. C.

Harpstrita. -12-4 tf NOW is the time to buy good building lots in the Dunham addition on West Eldorado etreet. Prices bed rock. Terms easy. Bargains in improved city property and farms.

Money to loan and fire insurance. Patierson Wilton, Citizens' National Bank building, Decatur, 111. a21-d3mo6 NOTIC. I have just employed an expert gasoline stove repairer from Chicago who ie prepared to do all kinds of repairing; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Telephone 165 or drop a card to T.

O. Morgan, 702 EastFJdoralostreet, Decatur, 111. 16-tf RODE, the tailor, in connection vith hia tailoring business does cleaning, pressing, dyeing and repairing of all kinds. Work called for and delivered. Telephone 262, room 6, Syndicate block.

Suit cleaned and pressed $1.50, pants, 50c. 16-tf WEDDING announcements, invitations and cards in latest stylos. Largest variety and lowest prices; calling cards, society cards, programmes, etc. Call at neadquartere for finest work, neatly done in a few honrs. We also take ordei and have them promptly filled for engraved wedding invitations, engraved call ing cards, engraved reception invitations, engraved stationery, embossed work, etc.

There is nothing in the printing line which the Herald-Despatch cannot do. We have morn machinery, machinery of higher class, largest force of competent workmen, and we do, the business. We have our own bindery. There is no one between us and our customers. Send your orders to the Herald-Despatch or telephone any day and a representative will call on yon, give yon prices.

YOU cannot afford to be without Ur. well's Syrop Pepsin Compound at tnu time of the year. It is the pleasanteet and msi effective laxative yoo can boy, and is rapidly taking the place of old tirae pills. At all drmi giBts. m-5-tf PATENTS Procured in all countries by L.

Graham, solicitor of patents, expert in pat ent cases and mechanical draftsman, 111. Twenty years' experience. References -Manufacturer of Decatur HZl-t LOST AND FOUND. OST On North Water street, a black eash- JLJ meresnawi. rmaer win ue rewurueuun returning it to office ot uiotning Mig to.

19-6d STRAY ED From my residence or from from the Cnssell pasture a brisht Jersey a little under medium 6iz, about 5 yearB old. pivins milk Snd information to 545 North Franklin Btreet, Or telephone 278 or 502, 19-6d OST-A diamond ring and S40 in money. Ji Tre finder will bo liberally rewarded by returning the same to No. ilS North Water street. 1 17 dB LOST-On Saturday moyning.

on Eldorado or Franklin or Wood street, a light colored dooble-breasted cassimera coat, bank book of Millikin Co. in inside pocket. The under will suitably rewarded on leaving it at the Herald-Deapatch office. M. T.

Smith, Boody. LOST Either at the Decatur National Bank or between there and tr stieet S35 in cash, a twenty -dollar MIL a ten and a five. Finder will please return to Decatur National Bank and receive $5 reward. Wm. H.

Bobison. 16-d6 LOST A ladies' gold watch with chain attached, ball charm with blue green and red eets, between No. 518 North Water street and Justice Sborb's office. Finder will please return to No. 518 North Water street and receive liberal reward.

ri8-d6 LOST On Wednesday morning most probably on Prairie avenne, a pocketbook containing less than S4 in silver, two bread tickets and some papers. Finder please leave at Her-ald-Despatch office. 15-d6 FOUND A linen lap roDe. Owner can have same by calling on S. M.

Lotz and paying for this notice. 15-06 TOST A Hereford heifer weighing from 600 to 8f 0 pounds; red with white face. Last seen in the southwest part of the ciiy. Leave word at this office or with A. J.

14d6 FOUND A bunch of kejs, three flat, one trunk and one valise key. One key bwrs the name of A. E. The trunk key bears inscription G. L.

Co. 71." Owner may have same by paying for this advertisement. 13 dB FOUND A pockstbock containing a small amount of money and other articles which owner can obtain by proving property and paying for this advei titernent. Apply to motorman on Edward street, car No. 13-d6 LOST A ladies' pocketbook containing a door key and two gold rings and a small sum of money.

Return at Herald-Despatch of fice 8nd receive rewara. i STRAY NOTICE Taken op as estray a large, light bay mare, about 14 years old, near 16 Lands high, knot or lump on left, front knee and scar on leir, eiuo- prove property, pay char ges and take her away, or she will be sold according to law. John Ly ons. 566 North mercer LOOT From aenrrey in this city on Saturday evening, a black sateen shopping bag, containing a pocket-book with a aumof money, a rdkerchief and a door key. Finder will be revrdrfon rrning same to 313 West Macon lU-cfc OST Bay horse about 15 hands high.

10 li Tears old. creases an ctim nu iu side when traveling, ehod with new shoes all all information to F. A Coleman, Boody, and receive tf MONET TO LOAN ONEY TO LOAN We are agents for the Inter-State Building and Loan Associa tion: Money furnisnea to otuio nouses or su; sold as an investment- By paying $3 per month for ninety-six muuiuc 5ct. w. ticoiars a i Cloud, 137 Jiast main streei.

i TO LUia-way a. miuui io.i,i" in mall amounts on good security. Insurance and real estate; houses to rent. Call and see them. 9-tf Powers' Bargain Tan Bluchers.

ForS2.50. $1.75..

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