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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 7

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 7

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FOR SALE I bold certdBcatee of purchase LOST A bunch of keys between Hervey City and Decatur. T. H. A I. swlteh key Bargain Column.

CLAIRVOYANT Madam Lane the wonderful gifted medium is in the city for a short time only. Don't fail to consult her on marriage, courtship, law or other business transactions. Don't fail to see this lady. Private rooms, Arlington hotel, 432 -E. Main.

20d6 WANTED Paper banging, with '25 yean experience. I am prepared to give prompt attention to all orders from all parts of the city. Prices resonable and all work guar-enteed new telephone, 306. D. M.

Smith, Wet end of Pugh StJ car line. 19-dtf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE FOB FINAL settlement. State of Illinois, Macon county, ss. Estate of James O. Ruckjr, deceased, to Arminda J.

Eld-ridge, Mery LIchtenberger, John E. Rucker, Ada F. Goodpasture, Chart a A. Rucker. Else B.

Floiev. Bertha Rocker. suoiect to ngbt 01 redetr pton, on several propertirs, receiver appointed. These' can be bought at a bargain. Samuel McBride, Rooms 702-3-4, Millikin building.

25-d6 WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN Twelve acres of ground two miles eest from square on William street. Barn, carriage bouee three chicken houses, well, cistern, splendid spring, large orchard, bearing fruit trees, small vineyard and 300 young fruit trees. (Bouse lately destroyed by fire.) Will sell on easy terms. Apply to B. W.

Fish, 5C9 East Eldorado St 21-dlf FOR SALE Two valuable farms near Oakley, UL, 204 and 168 acres each, land well improved. Several residence properties and a fine vacant lot in Decatur. Also several hundred acres of unimproved land in Holt county, Nebraska. For further information call on or address S. S.

Jack, assignee M. Eicbinger, Decatur, Hi. 21-d6 FOR SALE $450 buys highest lot on North Unioc. Just off Pugb street, easy terms come around and we will look at it, one block from street carp. Peter H.

Brueck, real estate broker, 215 North Main. 21-06 FOR SALE Five room houee, 821 North Clayton, $850. Good barn, well, lots of fruit, etc one-half cash, balance eaty. owner wants to go to Germany, so look this uo. Peter H.

Btuack, real estate broker, 215 North Main. 21d-6 FOR SALE $225 fine building lot on North Union 40x180; also some further out for $200. This is considered very cheap, especially in such a good part of city. Peter H. Brueck, real estate broker, 215 North Main.

21d-6 FOR SALE $400 Cash. $450 by the month buys a bouse and lot worth $1400. House baa tour rooms and cost over $900. Lot is well worth $500. This Is best bargain sver offered.

Call on Baith at 136 Merchant St. 23-66 FOR SALE OR TRADE 80-aore farm western land. One vacant lot in Decatur will trade both or either for small residence property, D. MyerB, depot baggage room. 23-dtf FOR SALX-BUSCEIXANKOTJS.

FOR SALE A number one Jersey cow, will be fresh in a few days. Inquire at 1C05 North Main St. 26-d6 FOR SALE Two six foot show cases and all kinds of new and second hand furniture at bottom prices. Also second hand cook and gasoline stoves and other goods at baigain prices. W.

M. Ohence, 249 Main St. 25-dl2 If you want to dispense charity when you give out your advertisements take them to some other paper; if you want to get something and want immediate results bring your 25 cents and your advertisement to the Morning Herald-Despatch. You will want the adlet out the next day for the reason that you will get what you go after and will not want to be further bothered by applicants. Everybody patronizes this paper for want advertising because everybody's experience is that here results are obtained.

A3U3. xteiurn to Agent ox vnnuaua Hervey City or Decatur. Zld-b MOSK IOLOAN. LOANS I am prepared tu make loans in amounts to suit on personal security or chattle mortsatres. Good notes bought if time is not too long.

Samuel McBride, rooms 702 3-4, Millikin building. 25-d6 TO LOAN 1 have money to loan in ar Quantity on city and farm property. ro waiting, money given as soon as papers are executed. Can also buy good cotes. I have several deeinble bargains in city property that are cheap even in there times.

See Geo. W. Ehrhart. I rjker id lesns and reel estate. 2C0 and 01 Carter building, 137 North Water street 25-d6 $450 AND $1000-TO LOAN ON GOOD city property.

Alsi loans in small amounts on good rHrsocal or chattel secur ity. Samuel McBride. 7uz a-i, Millikin building. S5d-6 MONEY TO LOAN I can handle some good notes. If you want a loan call and me.

Geo- W. Ehrhart, 137 North Water ot 6-dtf TO LOAN $500 and $650 and $1000 on first class citv security. Also UDllOiirea funds to loan on good tins. ttm. T.

Cus8ins. offics 710 osnk buiid- Ing. 2U-Q12 MONEY TO LOAN On bouser.olc goods, pianos, organs, lttriu tujjicujc-uiio. uuikd. cattle, hogs, warehouse rect-ipta and good Merchant St 29-dtf LOANS Private money at 6 per cent, 5 tears on farms, ten year loans with op- tonal payment on any day.

Have some good farms for eale oi trade. Fire and tor nado insurance in ttanoaro companies. W. Lundy, Boody. 111.

F27-d2m MONEY TO LOAN On cattle, horses, farm machinery, household goods, pianos, warehouse receipts or any valuable chattel. No delay. John Allen, over possfaffice. 14-dZ4 TO LOAN Fifteen thousand dollars to loan in sums oi iocv ana upwuru. uuu on Mills Fitzeerald in tbe Millikin block, room 507 12-lm MONEY TO LOAN on goods, personal security for short time.

B. E. Gray, Masonic Temple, rooms 6 and 7. 20d-tf MONEY TO LOAN On any kind of good security for any length of time and in amounts from $5 to $500. iou can get the money as soon as your security is lap- proved.

Pegram over Citizens' I tional Bink. 26-d6 MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN On real estate or per sonal Droneit; on the most favorable terms. No vexatious or unnecessary delays if our security is right you get your money quick. Best arrangements. Geo.

W. Ehrhart, second floor of Carter building Noitb Water street, over Jdutcnin shoe store. -25-d6 MME. DELOUX AT THE HOTEL Brunswick, trance medium and clairvoyant, can read your thoughts; tell you wbat you know. Ii in bad luck call and he will change it, removes sickness and long stand; inn ailments: locates bidden treasures: letteis answered inclose stamps.

Fees for this week, 50c and $100. Ladies' en trance, Brunswick no tel. 25-db BrXAHMA EGGS SELECTED FOR SET TING. 50 cents for 15. High grade Brahma cockerels, 50c each di liverod anywhere in Deeetur.

Choice 6-i oats white or rrlxed Weigh 32 lbs. bushtl Don't sow chaffy oats. Allen F. Hopkins, El-w Ills. 25d-6 CLAIRVOYANT I am at 250 East Wood street like tusdreds of others you will admit the truth of my wonderful posters for short time only in your city.

Price reas onable. 24-d6 FOR RENT Seventy teres of good Dasture: livlns water and hoe shade, four and one-half miles north ot city. Mrs. E. A.

Jones. 24-db THE I. O. R. R.

OO. WILL OFFER FOR SALE at public auction Tbutsday, March 25. 1897. at tbeir freight bouse at 2 o'clock p. m.

two boxes of household effects consigned to Mrs. Ellen Gildersleeve, tbe same remaining on hand and uncalled for. lid-2w FEATHER BEDS AND MATTRESSES renovated and made good as new. Also prime geese feathers on sale either in bulk or mi de into beds and pillows. Have your feathirs renovated now.

Decatur Tent and Awnli Oj. 20 dtf NICKEL PLATING Have your bicycle re-plated like new, all bicycle work cop per plated before nickeling. 814 N. Main street, third door south of post office. 25d-30 STEAMSHIP TICKETS To ail foreign points in Europe and England.

First and second cabin and steerage lowest rates; for further Information call on Peter H. Brueck, real estate broker, 215 X. Main, agent Hamburg American Line also White Star line. 21-d6 PIANO TUNING $1.50 for first work till April the first After that date $2 for first work. Leave orders at Garrett's store North end of Central block opposite Irwin's drug store.

O. Calhoun. 25-d6 THE BLUE GRASS CARRIAGE SHOP ramer stand, corner Main and Frank. Un street; I have Insurance on any vehicle left In my shops. Will repair and repaint your vehicle for spring use and Insure them against loss by fire.

Nov. Stdtf BREAD FOR THE PUBLIO Having been unable ta tupply all with our popular bread. We will tomorrow have plai ty for all made from the beet flour purest sugar salt and lard entirely free from malt extract, made Dy nana nox ny macninery. 211 North Main. 20-d6 AS I HAVE GONE BACK to tbe barber business again, and would like my old friends and as many new ones sive me a call.

First class work our motto. Corner Water and Mason streets. Respectfully, Fred L. Llstotu 13d-tf IT WILL PAY YOU IF NEEDING any thing in thel Ine of spectatclcs or optical of any kind to stop at Miss Neabitt's, 226 North Main. A complete line to select from and at prices to suit you.

Uill end investigate. 23 d6 SITUATION'S WANTED FKMAL.K. WANTED A situation by experienced middle agea jacy 10 Keep boaEe In widow er's family or small family. Direct or call No. lttU at.

ixrais Ave. Z5-d6w2 WANTED A situation in private family nciei or reeianrant Dy competent girl. Inquire at Bue Singleton's restaurant. 23-c6 LADY EXPERIENCED IN FIRST CLASS dressmaking will sew out by the day or at home, uail at Mrs. K.

Brown's, 528 North st eet. All work guaranteed. 23 06 SITDATiON WANTED IMMEDIATELY in private family by young laay capable of doing all kinds of general housework. Call or address 826 N. Union street 20-c6 WANTED A rcsition by young lady in private family.

Can give refereccss. Address care of fieiald-Despatch. 20d-6 SITUATIONS WASTED MALE. SITDATION WANTED Bookkeeping or general office work. Salary an after consideration.

Beet of references. Address M. V. Decatur 111. 24-C6 WANTED Work fcr man and wife, no children, prefer farm work but will accept any honorable employment.

Call cr address G. E. Drake, care of Mrs. Pease, third house east of court house on Wcod street. 21-d6 WAN1ED Employment by yoong man of push and energy.

I prefer inside work but will accept any honest employment, I want vo'k. Can give references. Address H. 626 N. Water St.

21-d6 FEMALE HELP WANTED. Main. Call at 9 a. m. 25-d6J WANTED Good girl for general housework at 401 College square.

Mrs. Silas Packard. 25-d6 WANTED Girl. One who appreciates a goxl home, where work is not heavy. Expected to stay In nights.

Call evenings after 7:30 at 731 W. Paririe Ave. 24-d6 WANTED An experienced dining room girl. None but first class need apply. 207 W.

William St. 24-d6 WANTED A girl for general homework, one who is an experienced cook. Apply at 357 North Edward street -23-d6 GERMAN GIRL WANTED for small On 11 at 1C55 West Main street, 9 a. 24-d6 MISCEtLANBOTJS WANTS. WANTED Boarders by day or week.

Also furnished rooms for rent at 526 N. Church 31. ZO-UD WANT TO TRADE Equity in new four room cottage; closets, pantry, well, cis-tsrn full basement and south front fcr a job printing office. Will consider offer for one of any size. Balance can be pi id monthly.

Address care of Herald-Despatch. 26d6 WANTED To inform tte publio that they can get the best 0c meal in the city at S. T. Myer's restaurant 627 North Water street Board S3 per week. Lunch at all hours.

Open all night 25-d6 WANTED I am prepared to buy first mortgages on farms, or city rial estate. Also certificates of purchase subject to right of redemption. Samuel McBride, rooms 7C2-3-4, Millikin building. 25-d6 WANTED I want to rent a good house of 7 or 8 rooms in good neighborhood. Oall or address F.

M. Mereditb, 620 Wabash. Telephone 667-24-66 WANTED Everybody to know that on account of our great loss we cannot pay rent up town, but we have a full line of good wall papers at 560 N. Church street at lowest prices. Thoe.

P. Roddy, Mgr. 24d-tf WANTED At 716 E. Eldorado street, second hand goods of all kinds. We pay highest price.

Also exchange goods if you are looking for a bargain. Oall at 716 E. Eldorado J. Drobisch. 24-d6 WANTED To inform our friends and the public that we have opened a new grocery etore at corner of Calhoun and Marietta streets, and will car nothing but fresh new stock at prices consistent with tbe times.

Propst fc Hetlchee. 23-d6 SOLICITORS WANTED Several good hustlers for fraternal insurance; either sex. Work pleasant and remunerative Call for M. J. Power.

8 to 9 a. m. and lto 2p. m. at 106 E.

William street. -25-d6 WANTED A partner in a good paying business. Must be a man of good repute and a bustler. References exchacged. Address P.

care of Herald-Despatch. 23-d6 WANTED Modern residence of 8 or 9 rooms with yard convenient to tdepot Inquire of superintendent Telegraph, Wabash railroad. 23-d6 WANTED You to know that we are selling clothing at prices to suit the times. Call and see goods and piices together or havens call and show samples. Wanamaker Brown.

A. M. Sinclair, sales agent, nor end Central block. 23-d6 WANTED To buy a second hand safe. Oall on or address Decatur Extract 725 Water St.

23-d6 I WANT A MAN of good business judgment to help me with my real estate work. A good chance to the right man. None but hustlers need apply. A. u.

Gray, attorney, 137 S. Water St. 23-tf SAFE WANTED Address 314 North Main street. A. F.

Jenison. 23-d6 WANTED A pants and vest maker. Also a good solicitor to sell five pants for $4. Apply to Samuel Wood, 715 North Water. 21-d6 WANTED My patrons to know I still handle fresh bulk oysters and fresh crackers at prices that defy competition. just received a new invoice of choiceassort-ed cream chocolates, try them. Abraham, 645 N. Water St. 21d-6 WANTED Tbe ladies to call at room 1, Woman's Club building, franklin street entrance for dressmaking in all the latest styles and designs. All work guaranteed at very reasonable prices.

u.Be$'$??' Widick, formerly of W. Wood LADY PARTNER WANTED It requires very small capital, a good home a ind good opportunity tx an industrious woman, also lady agents wanted for par-tilculars call at 938 E. William hours Sunday ifrom 12 m. to 6 p. m.i fee days from 7 to 8 a.m.

evenings 4 to wl TX A V1vT7T TU rt tHX fit EQV hfilT- dressing parlors, 228 W. Main street, for lares styles or nair wur vi." i-Shampooing a specialty. Ohlldren'sahair cut with care and taste for loo. aas. Ante Ward.

20-d6 I'D vn a MT A rtn--J (AnBrt VOOf vacant bouse bring your kej to Ranuolpn a James A. Gaeaway, Ellen Gasaway, Jamee eecn ana an otner persons interested in said decedent's estate. Yon are rereby notified that the undersigned surviving administrator of said estate has Hied hi final report of tbe acta and doings of tbe administrators of said estate in tbe county court of said Macon county ana that be will on Monday, tbe 3rd day of May, A. 1897, ask said court to approve said report and discharge him from any and al further duties and responsibilities connected 1th said estate and tbe administration thereof, at which time and place yon may be qrecent and resist such appllcat'on if you see fit Nathaniel W. Rucker, surviving administrator.

March 20, 1897, 2i d2w ADYMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. State of Martha Gaffney, deceased. Tbe undersigned having been appointedfadmlnis-tretor of the estate of Martha Gaffney, late of the county of Macon, and state of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before tbe county court of Macon county, at tbe court house in Decatur, at the May term, on the first Monday In May next, at which time all pea eons having claims age inet said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated tils lfth day of March, 197.

Wilber C.Dlmock, Administrator. 18-d3w ANNOUNCEMENT. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce Frank Shlaudeman as a candidate for Alderman in tbe Fourth Ward. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce Q. A.

Odor as a candidate for re-election to tbe office of justice of tbe peace subject to the action of the people of Decatur township. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce J. W. Kir bride as a candidate for constable subject to toe action of the people. ANNOUNEMENT We are authorized to announce W.W.

Peddecord as a candidate for the office of justice of tbe peace subject to tbe action of the voters of this township. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce J. B. Siewera as a republican candidate for alderman in the Fourth.ward, subject to republican primary. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized i announce B.

Z. Taylor as a candidate mayor, subject to the action of tbe republ. can city convention. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorised announce James M. Lee as a candidate for city attorney, subject to tbe action of the republican city convention.

ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce Charles S. Hankins as a candidate for mayor, subject to the action of the republican city convention. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce J. L. Drake as a candidate for alderman for the seventh ward, subject to the action of the republican ward primaries.

ANNOCNCEEXT F. L. Hayes Is announced this morning as candidata for the office of city clerk subject to the action of the republican city convention. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce T. M.

Hobart as a candidate for city attorney, subject to tbe primaries. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce W. N. Andrews as a candidate for city attorney, subject to tbe action of the republican city convention. WABASH EXCTJRSONa Tbe Wabash railroad will sell excursion tickets at greatly redacted rates to the following meetings- Wonld yon like to toko a.

trip to Boca-del Toro, V. S. of Colombia, Sooth America, via Mobile and tbe Snyder Banana Steamship Co? Tlokets are sold very cheap. Call at city ticket office for particulars. German Baptist annual meeting Frederick, June 3.

Grand Army, of Republic, Buffalo, 'N. Aug. 21 to 24. Baptist Young People'! union, Chattanooga, in July. National Educational association, waukee, July 3 to 6.

B. Y. P. O. Elks, Minneapolis, Ju 4 and 6.

Twenty-seventh Bunde Turn Feet, St Louis, May 6 to 11. Epworth League Toronto In July. Sunday low rate tickets will be sold from all stations east of Mississippi river, except to points north of Bern en on Chicago Division, Sundays at very low rate good going and returning Sunday only. bt Louis and return. Tloketa sola every Saturday afternoon and Bon day.

One fare round trip. Homeseekers excursion to prinolp' points in the west northwest south southwest on 1st and 8d Tuesdays of evei month at one fare plot 13 for round trie. Tlokets good returning every Tuesday audi Friday within three weeks. Stop overs granted on going trip. Tbe Wabash "California Flyer." Quickest and best service to California is now offered by tbe Wabash railroad in connection with the Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe Railway.

Veetibnled sleeping oars through to Los Angle without change making twenty-one boars better time from Et Louis than any other line, and oorrespandlng time from other points. For full Information regarding date of sale, limits of tickets, rates, maps sad descriptive advertising matter write or apply to CL A. Pollock, passenger and ticket agent Wabasa railroad. JJeoatux, EL 1 6-dtf xEXnP COW SALE! The nndereisned will offer at nnblie ntin at their dairy farm, three miles northwast of Desa-tnr, on tbe gravel road. 35 THIRTY-FIYE 35 head of Cows and Heifers; a'ao three Fine xoong aiareey Bona, on THURSDAY, APRIL 1897.

TTiia is a lot of snrjerior milk eowa from which anyone can select a reliable cow for family dairy aaa. Soma are fresh and other are dne by date ot sale. Toe bera consist or Jiolsteina. Hfaort Horna and Jemere. The bulla and aoma of ta belf era are from ttalph Ogden No.

27,10. every cow to ue one ea wiu pay ror neroen De-fare note become due. TUBUS OF SALE. 10 months of credit will be given on all ttuna orer S10; with 7 car cent interest from data If not paid prompuj when doe. Hotea with ac proved aaeurity to be given; 7 per cent, aieeoai 1 forcaah.

Property not to be removed befoi terms ere complied with. In east of rain sale will be tmder cover. Bale to comment) at 11 o'clock. Free Loach at noon. Come early.

P. A. 8. M. LUIZ.

J. T. WABD. Auctioneer. as-dftelw STOBAGE large clean brick warehoua absolutely safe, household goods, bicycles, stoves, and merchandise of ail kinds received Goods taken from or delivered at the house.

Loans advanced. Inspection of warehouse solicited. F. M. Meredith, 620 Wabash avenue.

Old telephone 667. aprli FORTUNE TELLING By three kiuds of cards and by the lines of the band. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladles 25c, gents 50 cents. Hours from 9 a.

m. to 9 p. 123 East Washington street 23-d6 REMEMBER You can get a 21 meal ticket for ii Seven meal ticket for 11. Single meal only 20c Everything well cooked and well eerved. Give me a call.

Hue Sigleton's restaurant, and lunch room, northwest ocrner Lincoln square. 21-d6 BOARD Flret class in private family on West ralrie avenue. JNiceiy turn if tied room. An exceptional cbance tor proper parties. Prices consistent with service.

Address P. O. Box 373, Decatur, 111. 21-d6 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Est ale of Wi ham B. Oraycroft deceased.

Tbe nnde signed having been appointed executors tbe estate of William B. Oraycroft deceased late of tbe county of Macon ana state oi Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice tna tbey will appear before tbe county cour. of Macon county at the court bouse in De catur at the May term on the first Monday in May next, at wbicn time ru persons nav. ing claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for tte purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payrrent to the undersigned.

Dated this 4tb day of March. 1897. Craycroft, Walter B. Craycroft, executors. i-daw FLORIDA AND SOUTHERN WINTER RESORTS With the inauguration of new train schedules, we are now able to give our patrons service to the south, which is no equalled either in time or comfort by any other line.

The day train which arrives at Evansvilla at 6:15 in the evening makes direct connection witb the Louisville Nashville limited train for Nashville, Mem-Dhia. Montgomery and New Orleans, and also for Jacksonivle, via Chattanooga Atlanta, Tifton end Macon. This train carries Pullman Buffet eleeping ville to Mew Orleans, uutbrie to Mempnis and Kvansville to Chattanooga, Atlanta and Jacksonville, Fla. Florida twelve hours quicker than via any otner line ana every comfort enroute. For rates, time cards, maps and all information, inquire of any agent or write direct to A.

u. rainier, lien Pass. Ag tj Evansville, Ind. 11-tf STORAGE Large brick warehouse clean and eafe, stall or rooms for all kinds of storage, household goods, stoves, merchan dise received, uoods taken from or delivered at the house. Loans advanced.

Telephone 65. V. H. Parke fc Son, 621 North Main street 25-lyr I. D.

4 W. RAILWAY EXCURSIONS. EXCURSION tickets at greatly reduced rates to the following meelnga "German Baptist; annual meeting Frederick. June 3. Grand Army of Republic, Buffalo, N.

Aug. Zl TO Zi. BaDtist Youcg People's union Chattanooga, in July. Homeseekers excursion to principal coints In the west northwest, south and eouthwest on 1st and 3d Tuesdays of every month at one fare plus SZ for round trip. Tickets good returning every Tuesday and Friday within three weeks.

Stop overs erected on trotcs trio. On March 29, April 6 and 20, May 4 and la, settlers' one way tickets to points scuta at very low rates. For full information regatding dates of sale, limits of tickets, maps and de-ecrlptiveadvertising matter write or apply tj Ji. Harwood, general agent, or A Pollock, ticket agent, 1. u.

w. railroad Decatur, 111. 26-dtf STORAGE GOODS FOB SALE We have a lot of household goods, bedroom suites. chairs, couches, carpets, etc, in good order that we will sell cheap to pay the stor age due on them, i bis is a bargain tor come one. Household goods of all stored in clean dry wareroom at reasonable rates.

Bachman Bros. Martin Co. lOdtf ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Notice to Receive Sealed Bids. By virtus of an order made and entered in the County Court of Macon county, on the 10th day of Match, 1897, the undersigned, as assignee of H.

Parker, insolvent, will receive eealed bid until 12 o'clock, noon, of tbe first day April 1897, fur the purchase of the real and personal property of said insolvent, as follows towlt: (L I LumD bit1 or bids In grots, for the flock oi merchanoise in tbe city ot Maroa, Macon county, Illinois, consisting ot tarn: implements, machinery repairs, cartings etc (2. 1 Luxd bids, or bids In aros. Ir the repairs, castings, etc, of said stock merchandise, and a certain per cent ot tot invoice Dries of the remainder of said stcci ofTmerchandlse as aforesaid. (3 Lump bids, or bids In 'gross, for tbe equity of assignor in 480 acres of land sit uate in Austin townsnip, Macon county, Illinois, more fully described as follows, to- wit: The siuth half of tbe north east Quarter of section 11. township 18 north, ranee 1 east of 3rd P.

M. The south east quarter of the north wea quarter of section 11, township 18 north, range 1, east of 3rd P. M. the east half of eoutb west quarter of eec- ticn 11, township 18 north, range 1, east of 3rd P. M.

Tbe west balf of south east quarter of sec tion 11, township 18 north, range 1 east of 3rd P. M. The east half of north eaet quarter, of tbe northeast Quarter of section 11. township 1 north range 1 east of 3rd P. Tbe east balf of south east quarter sectioi 14, township 18 range 1, east 3rd P.

M. Tbe west naif of nortbeast Quarter, of Ine north eaet quarter, section 11. township li north range 1 east of 3rd P. M. Tbe northwest Quarter ot nortb east Quai ter of section 14 township 18 north rang 1 east third P.

M. Tbe nortb east quarter of northwest quar ter section 14 township 18 north range 1 east third P. M. Each bid must be accompanied by a be-oeit of 10 per cent of tbe amount of such id in the form of cash or a certified check Davable to tbe order of tbe undersigned as assignee of said insolvent Such deposits will be promptly returcea to xoose wnose bids are rejected, and to be forfeited if the bid be accepted and the bidder fails to pay tbe balance on confirmation of sale, by tbe said county court Tbe right is reserved to reject any and all bids and all bids will be received and sale mace, subject to tbe approval and confirmation of the county court of Macon county. All bids mut be for cash.

The stock of rcerchandUe may be inspected at Maroa. Illinois, on any week day, between tbe hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m.

Tbe land may be inspected at any time on week days, be ween 8 o'clock a. m. arr. 6 o'clock p. m.

For any Information ttd dress assignee. All bids ire to be opened at 1 o'clock m. on tbe first day of April A. 1897, at the Bank of Crocker A Uo. Maroa, Illinois.

Dated Maroa, Illinois, March 10. 1897. J. Crocker, assignee, of H. Parker, in- sulvant Il-C3w WANTED To buy second band furniture of all kinds.

Also a second band surrey. Call and see us before selling. 620 Wabash avenue. 20-dtf TO KENT HOUSES. FOR RENT A new cottage, corner of Division and Warren streets.

This will make you a 'p'essant borne. Pegram over Cit'zen's National bank. 26-dl2 FOR RENT Boarding booee. corner Will. lam XJMil efMata AVT 17aa William street.

Well, cistern, seller, fourteen rroms 1 rn T- in nouse. inquire ui mums, co x-am, William street-26-dtf FOS RENT House four rooms595 8. Jackson St Good cellar, well and cis tern. Apply to S. S.

Jack, over Nationl Bank or 0. M. Allison, Room 38, Arcade builditg. 25-d6 FOR RENT Good 12 room bouse at 527 Jackson street, with city water, gas, bath room and closet and good barn etc. Also 4 room cottaea at 940 S.

Colfax itreet with baro, etc. Ceil "at Johnston's dry goods store, 151 H. Water St 25 -d6 FOR RENT A good seven room house with dry cellar, well and cistern, barn and carriage house. Within three blocks of Lit: coin square. Apply to owner at 459 soutb Main fct m-ntt FOR RENT Cheap to small families dwell ings of 4 and a rooms witn cellars, good well and cistern, outbuildings with small (tables and garden spot Some small fruit in good locations.

Inquire via JN. unurcn, 24d-6 FOR RENT Modern new two story 8 room bouse with furnace, mantel, large cellar, well, cistern, barn. Lower rooms nicely papered. Rooms all good size. Rent $13.

Located at 1405 N. Union St Frank L. Sufferu, room 3, Fenton block. 24-d6 FOR RENT A good four-room house at 0U28 E. Leafland.

Good cellar, summer fcitcben and outDuuamga. enquire at nouse next door. 24-d6 FOR RENT Six fine rooms near court house. Rent fair considering rooms and location. Call at Tay's furniture house, S.

Water street E. B. Rife Co. 23-d6 FOR RENT 3ix room house and barn, 1388 N. Union six room house 521 S.

Boyd new four room house 1334 N. Broadway. Nine room l.ouse513 E. William Laughlin Cloud, 127 E. Main St.

23-d6 FOR RENT Three room house one block from Water street on Leafland avenue. Good cellar and outbuildings. J. E. Osborne, 135 East Praiiie street at Pacific Express office.

21d-6 FOR RENT Dwelling on W. Main street. Modern conveniences also unfurnished rooms in business block. Apply to Mrs. Joseph N.

Baker, 413 W. Decatur St. 21-o6 FOB BENT The Revere hous3 to the right party, 120 East North street. Inquite of Dr. R.

L. Wslston. 21-d6 FOR RENT House of four rooms at 1256 Eaet North street. Apply at 937 East North street 21-d6 FOR RENT Small house No. 1437 N.

Clayton street and 565 N. Stone St. Apply to W. O. Fearn at City book store.

20-d6 FOR RENT Three room house with barn in north part of the city, seven room house and barn in west part of town. Five room houee on N. Edwffrd St. Montgomery Wise, 605 Millikin building. 20d6 FOR BENT Houses in different parts of the city of all sizes, also office room with everything furnished for right party.

Call and see me before renting from anyone eUe. Rooms 1 and 2 Columbia Block. J. L. Drake.

14-dtf A FURNISHED HOUSE OF fivej rooms to rent to a responsible party. Man and wife without children for the board of an aged lady. Address 0., Herald-Despatch office, 24- d6 TO RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT One large room on ground floor; furnlBbed or unfurnished. Also furnished rooms on second floor.

Rent reasonable. Mrs. C. F. Clark, 461 N.

Church. 25-d6 FOR RENT 250 East Wood street, two unfurnished roomsfor light housekeeping, both newly papered and painted, one on the ground floor, the other on second floor. Will rent together, or separate, rent reaeonable. 250 EaetWood St 25d6 FOR RENT Tbre9 nicely furnished rooms fflfor housekeeping or two for lodging with or without board, 537 E. William St Three blocks, eaet of Bradley Broe.r-24-d8 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, single en suite.

208 E. Eldorado St 23-d6 vnxt TtVKT Tn tipwiv tarnished front rooms, cheap to right parties, only 2 blocks souta 01 courtnouse. aw at 451 S. Water St 23-d6 FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping Thref rooms one furnished and two unf jrnisbed i.u niihnnf tinnrd. Rnlendld ruuiJJB inotiiinn pnrt nil modern conveniences, ror full information call at 151 West Main street Must bring reference.

Mrs. b. H. willcox. 21-d6 T-i t- "17 XT In.nn minatl, ft! 1 A hPfl EJa -j room, all modern conveniences, close to business center, oau jwibv 21-db FOR RENT One large front room oo first floor nicely furnished with or without board at 559 North Jackson St.

21d-6 FOR RENT Elegant suites of rooms in Ualiagner uuiiuiug- light housekeeping. Steam heat Apply to A. J. uaiiaguur. FOR SALE BEL ESATAK; FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN New9 room two story House Jiasi uana bum fin nlaaa riTmnATtv in nniBr, xms is naw every respect Would take one jrtwo lots in exchange.

Call at once. Ed Drobisch, 537 W. Wood St 26-dl2 FOR SALE DAIRY FARM 65 ACRES ii i i.t..inn nn nravni rrac. edire of aii in KuiuioBiwu wa Decatur; eight room house, big. barn, all new, win sen wnn or wiuiu-v.

a.wi. i- k. tan VparR' ning oroer, xuuu rasu, SSI. Who wants it? Established trade. Peter H.

uruecx, real eeuue North Main. sii-oo FOR SALE 2K acres together with pne 3 room house, one 2 room bouse and one store room with small stock of groceries all nearly new on gravel road in suburbs, 100 Choice fruit trees bearing. The whole business for $1500. What's the matter with this? Possession immediately. Peter a.

Brueck, real estate broker, 215 North i Oi AC FOR SALE Nice four room cottage, in King's orchard grate, waterf in bouse, barn, oellar, etc. Can use upright piano or horse, buggy or phaeton bb part pay. BaK'easyr8 'owner non resident and cm ma annn. rater Hm KkTrWate br; 215 N. Main.T n.

FOB SALE Horse, buggy and harness, or III rt- tvntA n-ilnh nnvt. flnl) fit 1011 North Folk stnet.IDecatur, 111. 26d-6 FOB TRADEA man's Victor bicycle for lady's wheel. Now is time to have gasoline stoves put in good shape, your lawn mowers, carpet sweepers, sewing machines, umbrellas, bicycles, scissors, knives repaired. Have few eecond hand wheels for sale.

Geo. Rupert, 230 W. Main St. 25-dlmo FOR SALE A bay horse weighing 1650 It O-l A 1 BtH-l IDS, pericCbiy geuuu, uui puam wi ducu. ears, is perfectly sound in ever respect I 1 1 A Vint fn- call ft-lll be fresh soon.

B. F. Frazee, 1)4 miles .1 11 A fKT-nl-lAa Q.1-y.K OK AG FOR SALE A good fresh cow for dairy. Inquire 2 miles northeast of Decatjr. Hilton Gaesell.

24-d6 FOR SALE Red and black raspberry, blackberry and strawberry plants. True to name and cheap. Inquire J. M. Hutchison, one mile south of St.

Louis bridge. 23d-6 FOR SALE CHEAP One folding bed with mirror, a nice double lounge. One ha-trt-a afnva. ftno Hdll TflH TT1 Hll t. Ollfl gasoline oven, 313 South Water St 23-d6 FOR SALE All kinds of storage goods consisting of bed room suits, parlor suits, sofas, gasoline and cook stoves, dishes, sewing machines, clocks, chairs and refrigerators also buggies and road wagons at F.

M. Meredith's storage warehouse, 620 Wabash avenue, xeiepnone ooi. a-uo- PICTURES, AND FRAMES We are- still running our remnant sale of pictures and frames. If you want absolute bargains in this line now is tbe time to get them. Library Art store.

21-c6 FOR SALE My restaurnt, goods and fixtures. Will invoice for $50 cash. You all have a chance until Tuesday next if not eold will sell at auction at one (1) o'clock Tuesday, at 149 E. Prairie ttreet, Decatur. Geo.

Melhorn, 21d-6 FOR SALE A complete set of everything necessary to conduct a butcher shop at a low price. Here is an excellent opportunity for a man that understands the butcher business, jonn Alien, real eawui itum 11 over rjostoffice. 21-d6 unR SAT.K A new. clean stcck of erocer ies and meat market having a good trade and doing strictly cash business. A snap for mmn one.

Also a cood oonr for sale. Address "Grocer," care of Herald-De spatch. 21-d6 rnn RAT.K Horses on easy payments. We have some god -ark horses which we can sell on the instai.ment plan on long time. Also two good milch cows, very cheap.

Apply at Dimock's sale stable at west end OI xuuoraao nreet. o-uu BUY your garden, flower and field seeds of Dan uuip, cne oia reiiBDie -wuuiau. anrl all vpriatlpa nf 7Rrtpn seed XROU ClMV. in bulk. 223 North Main street.

Durfee 4 Oulp. F2-dwt2m crip siT.K stick of irroceries. fixtures end meat market Doing a good paying business. Will ceil at reasonable figures. Reason for selling, going to the country.

Address J. cure of Berald- Dt spate DC ajoo FOR SALE Eggs from Full Blood Black Lengshans, $L25 per thirteen. Remember I keep Black Langsbana Exclusively. Address Geo. Cooper, Boody, III.

14-dl2 LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between tbe library and Haworth's check rower factory a lady's purse, containing some small change and three keys. Finder will confer a favor by returning the keys to this office. 21-d6 2X-UO store. 21-36.

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