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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 10

Herald and Review du lieu suivant : Decatur, Illinois • Page 10

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
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10 Sunday, January 10, 1915. THE. DECATUR DAILY HERALD Mexican rouble was at its height Mr. HjTt-ct TTnnt.r 0-nA nn exhibition in 7 LOVE Mr BEAUTIFUL HORSES," SAYS BLANCHE W.KINNEY. Mexico before Generals Carranza and No ore Piles 8impl Home Eemedy Easily Applied Gives Quick Eelief-and Costs Kothing to Try.

Smeris Gonzalez, two of the most prominent leaders in that The horse experts were under the personal protection of these men and their soldiers during their stay, in Mexico. After her return to Brownsville, Mrs. Hunter received the following letter from General Gonzalez: "My -Most Worthy and Respected Madam: "Entirely, pleased by your exhibition of your high school horses with which you so kindly entertained us the past week. I take the extreme pleasure in KIPP'S OLD STAND, dorado and Broadway SU. Both Phones.

offering" yqu my heartfelt -thanks Tk Pyramid Simla from a SiatU TrlaL Sale Grocery especially in tnese aays 01 mrenuuuo war-fare in the struggle for the good of our country. take pleasure, distinguished madam in offering myself as your firend and "Obedient Servant, GONSALEZ." Buffalo' BUI a Friend. -Mm-. Hunter has many letters from Pyramid pile Remedy gives quick relief, stops Itching, bleeding or protruding plies, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles. In the privacy of your own home Pyramid Pile Remedy is for sale at all druggists, 50c a box.

A single box often cures. A trial treatment -will be mailed free for the asking. Pyramid Drug 517 Pyramid Marshall, Mich. rirti wmlam TiV. flndv.

"Buffalo Bill." who was a personal friend and with whom she worked several years. "I am an absolute admirer of the LtA AAln sairl h(m TTnnter. 'There Continues For All This Week We have a large assortment to select from and are makingjbig redactions to move surplus stock .2, is nothing graceful or convenient about riding astride a norse. j. nave nuuen my horses with side saddles in all JOINT INSTALLATION The "four" nearest the fence in this thrilling chariot race driven by Mrs.

Hunter, include two high schooled horses one running horse and one high juniper. OF BROTHERHOOD Ifew Officer of J. M. Raymond IX) rise. No.

49, and Ladles' Society to Take Heinz Baked Beans, per dozen Qft- Navel Oranges, any Joint installation of officers of J. M. Raymond lodge, No. 49, B. of I E.

E. and Decatur lodge. No. 372, Ladies' so cans Royal Baking Powder, per Mb QQ Baby Pet Milk, our price, per AOr dozen ciety of the B. of Ll F.

will take place In the lodge hall in the Masonic temple this afternoon. The regular session of the of I. F. E. will be taken up at 2 o'clock, and at 4 o'clock the door will be opened to the women for the Joint Installation.

Mayor Dan Dinneeni one of the officers of the lodge, will make the chief address. After the installation, refreshments will be served. out can ADJUST INSURANCE ON TEA STORE FIRE Total Paid on Policies Is $3,000 Repairs Being: Made and New Stock Arrives. "Washington Belle." Proud of herself and rider. "Twilight," Miss McKinney's favorite, sitting down.

Potatoes, per bu. 65c Gunpowder Tea, 60c grade, per 40c Good Coffee, 4 lbs for $L00 10c pkg 5c 10c 7c 25c 19c 25c Olives 20c Large Pet 84 Can Peas Pears Large Can Tomatoes for Large can of Baked Beans for Karo 8c 5c Toilet Soap. When you want to get there QUICK just call and have our TAXICAB carry you to the destination QUICKLY. SAFELY and COMFORTABLY. For.

really dependable 'Taxi" service, call Bell 389, Auto. 1389. First-class cars and skilled, careful driven. Decatur Taxi-cab Co. (Successors to Dawson Auto Co.) 242 North Franklin St Branch Office, St Nicholas Hotel Accomplished Horsewoman Visits Decatur Relatives For Winter Adjustment of Insurance on merchandise, premiums and fixtures of the Great Eastern Tea and Coffee company, which was damaged by fire lasl Sunday afternoon, has been completed for about 13.000.

The store Is gradually resuming the same appearance as before the fire, but It will be several weeks before all the damage has been repaired. The glass in the door was put in Saturday, and it is thought that the entire front will be repaired early this week. The new stocks, which were ordered by wire immediately after the fire, have arrived, or are on the way. All ordehs will be filled as usual this week. with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show.

He enjoys the distinction of having been the champion broncho buster with that show as well as having won that title at a number of riding events throughout the country. Mrs. Hunter drove her four horses to a world's record in the half mile chariot race at Hot Springs, last November in 531 seconds. Her favorite horse is Twilight, eight years old. He is a high schooled animal that has won sweepstakes in all parts of the United States and Canada.

Hft was raised and trained by Miss McKenney who has owned him since his birth. Washington Belle, five years old, is the other high schooled horse In her string. Praised by Army Men. Officers of the United States army, experienced in the raising and judging of fine horses have said that the Hunter string was among the finest in the world. Just a earago while the Mrs.

I. M. Hunter, known in professional circles as" Blanche McKenney, one of the most prominent horsewomen in the United States is, with her husband visiting- relatives in Decatur. Mr. Hunter is a son of Mrs.

J. R. Hunter, 704 West Leafland avenue, and has an extensive reputation as a master horseman. In winter quarters, near Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs.

Hunter have left their string of 11 horses which includes some of the finest high schooled, Jumping and running horses in the world. They expect to pass most of the winter in Decatur and will be on the road with their "strong" against at the opening of the amusement season in the spring, i Rider Since Girlhood. Mrs. Hunter has been riding since girlhood. As a little girl she learned to master her father's horses on the plains of Kansas.

As Blanche McKenney started her professional career in Texarkana, in 1892, when she rode the fastest 10 miles that has been covered on horseback. The time was 20 minutes and 19 seconds. Miss McKenney changing horses 19 times. She met Mr. Hunter while they were traveling Only One "Brotno Quinine" Whenever yon feel a cold coming on, think of the full name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE.

Cures a Cold in one day. Cures Grip in two days. Look for signature of E.W. Grove on the box. 25c Bring the Cash We Meet Competition Always the Best Always for Less Monday at 9 a.

m. we will start the greatest record breaking, quick, action cut 5a cio Sale We Give and Redeem Surety Coupons tjijf fT, Manufacturers ItJ samples of Table Sg" ioc A -ijA Remnant -yardf fjJjL me A Great Outpouring of El SALE 13 eases genuine I dozen hnck I towels, good size, I Serpentine Crepe, 118c value, yard. for Monday in the Monday at 9 a. m. we will start the greatest record breaking, quick-action, cut-price Piano Sale that has ever hit the town.

We must have room and in order to sell 12 pianos in ten days, we will chop 1 -3 off our present low prices. New Pianos $168, $194 and $212, on easy terms. Player Pianos $300, $425 and $525. Music lessons free. Bench, scarf and instruction book free.

Don't let a brick wall get in your way attend this sale." Suf fern Music House 2nd Floor Suffern Bldg. 351 North Water Street. Take Elevator. 12ic Full Pieces BASEMENT "A Store Within a Store For Thrifty People" Heatherb loom and Halcyon Mes I saline Underskirts closed out the entire surplus stock' in our own factory and one other big factory that's the sort of bargain we secured we'll hand them out to you In exactly the same way unrestricted Dressing Sacques. Factory clean-up of dressing sacques, light, medium and dark shades, figured and striped, A $1.00 and value, 48c rh ww choice of over 50 dozen house dresses, porch dresses, street dresses and ki 79c monos, $1.50 to $3.00 value lllillllltH 36-inch chambray and percale figures, stripes and checks, mill ends of 10c and 12Jc goods, 3 4C Men's Amoskeag chambray work shirts, 50c 9Qf value tae JOS -waists, voile 'V.

I and lingerie lawn fy I handsomely em- 1 -y I broldered and lace I -J l.ytL trimmed, $U0 to lLlja 5,000 yards renu- ine Serpentine Crepe mill ends. Jk ITa 18o value, factory clean-up of short lengths. Full standard one-yard wide percales; all colors; regular 12jc goods, "71f Loom End Sale Very heavy and extra large size bath towels. Regular 35c grade. 93 ft Loom End sale aiww Fine Outing Flannel Gowns, 27c Children's very fleecy heavyweight outing flannel night gowns, feather stitch braid trimmed collar, yoke and cuffs.

50c value. 97 1 Very special Men's and Women's Outing Gowns, 79c 50 dozen finest quality outing gowns, cut very wide and full length. that were made to sell at $1.00 and 11.25. In one great lot. "JQgt Children's Gowns.

Bungalow aprons, women's and mis 27c Of finest outing flannel, 50c value ses' sizes. best percale, COe value If You Have Found Out That Money Spent Earns No Interest For You get your Savings Account started with this bank as the safest means of having vour money earning 3 interest I A promise of interest without security is taking chances. This Bank offers depositors the SECURITY of its Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, Table Oil Goths. Very special Lace curtain samples. They are in widths from 38 to- 60 Inches and about 11 yards long.

We will sell for 95ft this week only at, 15c, and 3-Tb. Jumbo cotton batts, full size, and clean white cotton, all you want, OQm at, each, Loom End Sale WWW Men's good heavy canvas gloves, with gauntlet, regularly worth OC Outing flannels, big range of colors and designs, regular 10c. 3tlc value. Loom End Sale 36 Inches wide ecru curtain scrims with drawn work and hemstitched borders, regular 15c grade. 1 flft For this week only, yard "to Children's black ribbed hose, ail sizes, extra strong and a good wearing hose, regular 15c grade and never before sold at this low price, for this week Oft only, the pair Traveling men's samples of high class table linens, about 34x36 inches in size, at, each 2 cents Qq 2i-inch leather suit, cases, well made, with re-inforced corners, lock and key, regular $2.50 value.

For this OQ week only. Loom End Sale 50c Outing Flannel Petticoats, 39c Regular and out size petticoats in light and dark outing of the very best grade goods. Our own make, a clean-up of the "Osgood" factory. 39 Verv sneriaT wWU In useful lengths, mill ends and short ends of our own stock, yard Crochet Bed Spreads, Marseilles patterns, splendid values, to sell RQfi at 11.00 50 dozen children's drawers, in 2 to 6 year sizes, fine, full bleach muslin, hemstitched ruffle, worth twice the price; for this gg week 1 case fine huek towels, 36xlS, with red borders, excellent towel to sell 1 Qfi for 15c; each Choice of 10 dozen corsets, new fall models; 75c 39ft values Best quality 6 cord sewing machine thread; black, white and colors; 9Ct 7 for Bed Sheets "fife litifoottV mnttefj ant ft (Full size, deep hem, ready for i Red Beal Gtng-' hams and all best standard makes 3rd 6a use, welt seam, I sells readily at 50c, $1.50 up to $3.00 New Dresses, 79c We have never asked you to take advantage of a sale at this store and disappoint you. Today we "urge you more strongly than ever to avail yourself of this opportunity of choosing two garments at the price of one when wc 29c.

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