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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 14

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 14

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DECATUR HERALD FRIDAY, AUGUST 21. 1925. DECATUR HERALD JMPLOYMEnt Live Stock Grain Markets All Grains Finish Lower; Stocks Irregular Farm News Finance 8ALESMEN Afcin 211 Main. 'it 1. 14 8ITUATION8 DECATUR HERALD SECURITIES sianay with tools.

Ht.i. riven. AAArm L. CHICAGO FUTURE MARKETS James E. Bennett A 23S- Standard Life Bids.

NEW YORK STOCK LIST Record of Day's Quotations of Now York Exchange POHITTO.V Entered at tb Fottofflc In 111., ncond clam matt r. A6drM al) communication to Th Decatur Htraid. Decatur, III. MARKIKr, 1 TV WHEAT FINISHES LOW FOLLOWING ERRATIC SESSION ARE IRREGULAR- YEARS ErPF.fil'rvci, Close WHEAT Open OX EFT AXJ.l.B'- All riffhta of republication of apcti 11b patch 4 a herein are fclo rxtrvM. MEMBER OK ASSOCIATED PR EBB Tha Aasoclatd Preaa ta excluirtTely an-HId to the ubo for republication of all ntw dlepatchea credited to it or not other- September H-ld ih .4.

34 LOW 159', 3. li9V. 1629... Allied Cliem. Dye 93 A Ilia Chalmers 86; Amur.

Bosch Magneto 32 December ANSWER r. BOX E. .72. CARE Close ..160 -160 ..160 '4 SS- 88 91 American Can 239 .116 Am. Locomotive wtae credited In thla paper and aleo the Close 162 ..103 S714- 87..

89B 40B 43 eiTIUTIUl. High. ...16114.. ...165 ...106.. 88..

91 41 44 47.. local new published therein. 9 FEMAL? Mav CORN September December May OATS September December May By mall tn Decaiur'a trading territory. 5 pr year. lOti -106 H.

908-90. 43. 47 103 8714 89.... 40 43'i 47k eiperien 40 40 43 nortnna.Mln TREND LOWER Oil Shares Lead Reactionary Movement Induced by Heavy Selling By carrier la and nearby towna oer wek, 16c Am. Smelt Ref American Sugar Am.

Tel. Tel Am. Woolen Anaconda Copper Atch. Top. San.

Atlanta, Blr. Atl Atlantic Coast Line Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore Ohio Bethlehem Steel MIL.DI.B AC.K.I, WOMAN 47A 47- 47.. 6aj ..140 39 42 121 038 16 114 80 1 housekeeper In iirJ f'smllr St. Aggressive Selling by Recent Heavy Buyers Responsible for Declines LADT WITH $1. 64 '1 $1.73 VI; good to choice $1.63 1 hard spring $1.73 1 dark hard Montana on track $1.66 PUBLIC NOTICE uirar jars.

Ma Pacific Oil Packard Motors Pan. Am. Petroleum Pennsylvania Phlla. KdK C. I Phillips Petroleum Pur Oil Radio Corp Heading Republic I.

Bteel Jleynolds Tobacco St. Louis San Fran St. Louis Southwestern Seaboard Air Line Seaboard Air Line, pfd S-ara Roebuck Shell Union Oil Simms Petroleum Sinclair Con. Oil Sloss-Shcffleld Steel Southern Pacific Southern Railway Standard OH of Cal Standard Oil of N. J.

Stewart Warner Studebaker Corp Texas Company Texas Gulf Sulphur Texas Pacific Texas Pac. Coal Oil Tobacco Products Transcontinental Oil 28 Brunswick -Balke Illinois. to arrive 1.6o $1.75 Sep California Petroleum 27 PERSONALS CASH WHEAT LOWER; CORN DEMAND FAIN CHICAGO. Aug. 21.

Wheat In the cash market followed the futures during the session, while the trading 67 47 41 26 56 fk', 48 84 'i S4 54 37 45V4 ...197 23 20 4 2'i ..,101 ...102, 63 41 C84 4854 ..112 52H 13 4 t.3 29 Cerro do Pasco Chandler Motor tember 1.58; December ft; May $1.61. CORN" 8 yellow $1.02 $1.03. OATS 3 white. 37c(if 38c. FLOUR 15c 25c higher.

WANTED An Infant baby to 200 W. Macon. CORN AND OATS DROP SOME ISSUES GAIN LOST AND FOUND Chesapeake Ohio Chic. Mil. St.

Paul pfd Chicago Northwestern Chic. Rock I. Pac Chile Copper ROOMS WITHOUTBnT basis for hard grades were tin a.nd white fema.1 lost. LA POINTER LI iter changed to 1 cent lower. Red and ame Tor two men.

fn St. Louis Cash Grain ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21.

HAT Strong; 2 after 'v. wain. Main ...104 1 tf 4 35 ...141 8 3 76 3.1 73 46 f3 timothy, 2 light clover (By Associated Press.) NEW Aug. 21. Revival of Falrview 29 WEDNESDAY IN LOOP District, Inch" loujf pear shaped pendant, of ed pearls leaves at top of gold and blue.

Return to B. A. Imbcden. MHllkin Lank, receive reward I. mixed J20.00$22.00: 2 heaw clover mixed choice western alfalfa 527.0052S.00.

spring grades were unchanged. Millers were after red grades which were scarce. The bulk of today's receipts were applied on former contracts. Contrary offerings to arrive were light. Local sales CLOSE IN eultabl Coca Cola Consolidated Gas Consolidated Textile Con-ttnental Can Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar pfd Davison Chemical Dupont de Nem Erie Famous Players-Lasky Fisher Body nr 1 wo.

A2t activity and strength in the oil shares following a protracted decline, which carried many of them close to their low levels of the year, was the outstanding feature of Thursday's ir ST. Two 248 n. park rooms for rent. BHEUs RIMMED GLASSES lott Tuesday. It.

ward. Notify H. M. Loyer, Argents. III.

Union Pacific U. S. Cast Iron Pipe (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO. Aug. 21 Wheat finished lower Thursday after an erractlc session during which prices alternately displayed strength and uneasiness.

There was a good class qf buying on the breaks, but bulges brought in good selling. Claims of frost in the Canadian Northwest brought on a strong rally at one time, and wheat ascended to a high WJLLIAM W. 20 Modern HI, first and second flor fror regular stock market. Coppers and S6J. ..122 37 MAIN E.

steels were also well bought, but mo were 45,000 bushels, of which 24,000 bushels were taken by a local miller. It was reported that all local stocks of red wheat were cleaned up. There were sales of 50,000 bushels to go to store. The seaboard reported a mod- General Asphalt sleeDins- room, hum J'r tors were again reactionary, -Mackfo leneral F.lectric 77 LOST Downtown Monday or Tuesday Small black bill fold with several bills. Uewnrd.

Main 276. I'OX HOUNDS strayed or stolen; thr-e females. White with tan ears; black wbito and tan with saddle back and black and tan.Wm. O. Neff, Ctrro VEKr 98.

General Motors Trucks breaking 13 points to 218. U. 8. Ind. Alcohol U.

S. Rubber V. S. Steel Univ. Pipe Westinphouse Elec White Motors Willvs Overland Wooiworth Co Worthington Pump Wabash, common Wabash, pfd Peoples Gas WITT.

422 Mo. for the day of 11 to 13 over the pre Except for the sharp reduction In Toledo Cash Seeds TOLEDO, Aug. 21. CLOVER SEED CASH October December $14.75 bid; March $14.80 asked. TIMOTHY SEED CASH September.

October $3.80 asked; December, $4.00. Peoria Cash Grain PEORIA. Aug. 21. CORN 44 cars: lower; 2 white 2 yellow 3 vellow $1.04: 4 yellow 5 yellow 6 yellow 2 asked 3 mixed 6 mixed sample 51.02.

OATS 17 cars; steady: 2 white 41c; white. 40 c. with kitchen 17 40 42 For vious close, but aggressive selling oferate business being done to export crude oil production last week, there vas nothing in the Say's news to WILLIAM vT. TOT wheat at Winnipeg and selling by -tt-v rooms, closs in. but servfe 72 Main M.

..117 TAKEN FROM 2537 E. Prairie Ave. last Thursday. Aug. 13.

a fox terrier, white with grey spots, blue eyes and bob tail. Liberal reward to finder. 2537 E. Prairie. ..157 33 ..106 82 53 ..329 92 74 91 (fi 17 ..125 2h 34 16 56 ..116 .218 43 41 85 69 62 "a ..121 38 ..138 71 front room.

F. 115 account for the sudden outburst of activity In the oils. The PanrAmer-ican issues, Slarland, Atlantic Refining, Barnsdall General Petroleum, Pacific, Phillips, Royal Dutch, MAIN. 40S Furiiiih77rT-T- Chicago Stocks CHICAGO. Aug.

21. Great Northern pfd Culf States Steel Houston Oil HupmoMle Inter. Harvester Inter. Merc. Mar.

pfd Inter Nickel Kelly Springfield Tire Kennecott Copper Louisville Kash Mack Trurk Marland Oil Mo. Kas. Tex Mo. Pacific pfd Montgomery Ward National Dairy Products New York Central N. Y.

N. H. Hartford Nocfolk Western Northern Pacific ers. while no figures were given. Demand for corn was only fair.

Country offerings were light. Local industries, elevator houses and shippers we're the buyers of corn. The trading basis was unchanged to 2 cent easier. The market was easier with the futures. Local sales were 90,000 bushels.

There were sales of 50,000 bushels to go to store. Elevator houses were the buyers EMPLOYMENT CHURCH. wTST and Standard Oils of California, and 89i 22 sleeping room. Laly HELP WANTED MALE New Jersey, ail showed net gains tv, CHURCH ern room. of 1 to 2 points.

1ST CLASS BARBER WANTED One 7M Nicely furr Fine heat. 8 ...111 Armour, pfd Fair Lihbv-McNeill Middle-West Utilities Swift Co Swift International Union Carbide U. S. Gypsum Wahl good at hair bobbing. Art's Barber Shop, ONE NICE ROOM American Smelting I.eadu American Smelting continued to 26t 654 Gushard Bldg.

neat 1 MJ4. VANTED Man with car for responsible or oats, and the market was un 71 ...193 10 EDWARD N. io2. TJr position. Permanent position wiia ad lead the advance In the copper group bv touching a new high record at 111.

houses with northwestern connections that were good buyers here Wednesday, served to cause a break at the finish. Lower At Close The close found wheat i to 1 cent down from Wednesday's finish, with September at to 51.593 and December at the identical figures of to'J. Corn finished 1 to 23 decrease, oats at unchanged to cent loss, and provisions at 20 cents to 30 cents up. Reports of Russian selling of a big line of wheat to Italy brought about an increase in selling in the local pit. The market was generally quiet however, and lacked features of any great importance.

As a consequence, prices were extremely susceptible to any increased activity on either side. Bulges inevitnbly met with realizing vancement. i'i27 Standard Life Bldg. changed. The trading basis was firm.

Local sales were 108,000 bushels. Kansas City Cash Grain KANSAS CITY. Aug. 21. WHEAT 2 hard 2 red $1.74: September December May CORN 3 white 2 3 yellow 2 mixed September 9Sc: December 83 May S6c.

OATS 2 white. 41c43c; 3 white 41c41c St. Louis Cash Grain ST. LOUIS. Aug.

21. CASH WHEAT 2 rerl St SO 2 hard. $1.65. i.jt in. nat i water.

Suitable for 1 or 2. S. MAIN 44. nlLe mocern BOY WANTED To h-ip to lielp In gro There were sales of 200,000 bushels to Spectacular gains were again re cery ami N. Jasper.

crnnri nrt rholeo 225 to 32S pound or woman, cheap, private er.rrince go to store. Xew York reported MARRIED MAN for farm work and ri TV AMD GQRN corded by some of the high priced issues. butchers $12.75 3.25; packing sX-s largely bulk strong weight cattle feeder. Year around, apply In 000 bushels worked to exporters. housekeeping rooms or part of total A 2 or M.

40SJ. person at once. O. -K. Alien Blue JJound, killing pigs $13.25: snippers T7.

S. Steel, common again crossed Lars inspected: Wheat 60; corn 111. 290: Oats. 233. but encountered large selling BRUNSWICK HOTEL Kemo4ir sheep Recelnts 14.000; fat native orders around that level, and eased SALESMAN To handle a well known line of water pumps acquainted witb the lambs fully 25 cents lower: rangers weak r.i.i.rucu, iiui ana coia "sur.

rjeta DECLINE HEBE lnwor' hest rancers $10.00 CORN 2 mixed. $1.04: 2 white $1.05 whife S1.fi4V,- 2 VPlloW 1 .0 5 (S 1.06. to 1223, up 1 on the day. Westing automotive trade. Side line or full time, uiC tu few sorted weeKiv rates BOOMS BY V.EEK-James hotel.

See V. C. Donelson, St. Nicholas Hotel and cp. (.

OATS 2 white 41c42c; 3 white 41c CASH GRAIN lnt to packers $14.75: city butchers house moved up nearly 4 points, to a record top at 141, but before 8:30 A. M. at 21 CLOSE WHEAT September most culls $11.003 $11.50: few 12 00: odd lots fat native ewes $6,00 0 7 ka. o.oav henvies weak to unevenly lost about half of Its gain. TJ.

S. LICENCED BARBER wanted Union. TWemher Mav $1.64 asked. CORN September $1.03 asked; Decem lower at $5.00 downward; feeding lambs Industrial Alcohol responded f.o the announcement of high alcohol prices WANTED a porter at Heady's Cafe, 410 ROOMS FO RHOl SEKEEP'G 2 OR 5 FCRNISHEr- rooms. Sink In kitchen, prirtu '( trance.

Mam 45C2. ber 86 c. N. Water. by advancing to 893.

slipping back WANTED Experienced man book-keeper fully steady. East St. Louis Livestock about 30 years old by Manufacturer of One-Cent Cut Made in Of fers on Wheat; Two Cents on Corn later to 88i for a net gain of 2J on the day. Loews, was run up Mattoon. Aaaress x.

EAST ST. LOUIS. Aug 21 HOGS Re 17th St. Mattoon 111. UNION N.

146S Two moiern f.Jrs light housekeeping rooms. MAIN E. 2 Modern suitable for two. FOUR UGHT houoeketDir.r T- LIVE STOCK ceipts 6.000; market 25 to 40 cents high kiv riesirahle light hogs $13.40 FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT Touiie men under 35 wanting Post tions in South or Central America or sales, while declines encountered increased buying and resting orders. Corn Buying Discouraged Short covering and pood class of commission house buying maintained corn prices on firm ground during most of the session, but at th; finish buying was discouraged by the drop in wheat, and heavy country offerings, and final values registered losses.

Oats were dull and featureless. Provisions were unsettled with commission houses fair buyers, but eased off toward the close, affected by the drop in wheat. 4- nlsheo. Newly papered. $13 65; 200 to 230 pound butchers mostly $13.25 strongweight $13.00 good weight pigs around $13.50 packer sows $11.35 $11.50.

Tiereints 2.500: virtually no Europe with oil or packing companies, write at once. Foreign Employment Bureau. P. O. Box S6, Kairvlew Station.

Kansas City Livestock l-JVSAS riTY. Au. 21. CATTLE 4. Wheat and corn declined In markets Thursday, when quota PRAIRIE W.

255 Two B.o-nf5 nished light room! kitchenette, adults M. Detroit. Mich. Chicago Cash Grain CHICAGO, Aug. 21.

WHEAT 2 red 1 hard 2 hard $1.63 6 4 hard $1.61. CORN 2 mixed $1.06 3 mixed $1.05 ft $1.05 4 mixed $1.04: 5 mixed $1.03 :6 2 yellow $1.06 3 yellow $1.044 $106; 4 yellow $1.04 ffl $1.05 2 white 3 white $1.05 $1.06: 4 white 5 white sample grade 92c OATS 2 white 41cf42c; 4 white 40cffl41c: 5 white 33c(3'40c. RYE 1. $1.08. BARLEY G3 4 iff "9c.

TIMOTHY $7.00 ff? $8.75. CLOVER $19.75 $27.30. St. Louis Hay ST. LOUIS, Aug.

21. HAY Receipts. 24 cars, including 12 timothy, 6 clover mixed. 4 prairie and 2 alfalfa. Very strong undertone; offerings cleaning up readily and good to choice hay scarce.

nptlve steers here: few loads hold MEAT CUTTER wanted. Competent, tions of 11.45 for wheat and 93 for overs $7.85 $11.25: some of these steers sold 25 cents higher than Wednesday's over two points, to a new high record at 34 in anticipation of an Increase in the annual dividend from $2 to $3 next month. Motor Reflect Competition Net gains of 2 points or more also were recorded by American Express, American Railways, Consolidated Cigar, Crucible Steel, Sloss-Sheff ield. Universal Pipe, and Worthington Pump. Selling of the motors reflected the growing competition in that Industry, White Motors broke over 4 points to 973, and then rallied slightly while 000; steady; mostly grassers and short feds: bulk Kansas grassers $7.50 southwest offerings J5.75$7.00: few up to top yearlings $12.50: short feds Apply 41 N.

Water. UNFURNISHED or ro-rj both colors corn were current, father rent, irour.a Tioor. Lpns j- SALESMEN to sell an up to date weier. Apply aayn Av. bids: western steers steady; range bulk $6.75 no fat light yearlings and heifers' around: ho demand tnan ine ana so 01 eanesaay.

HOME PROTECTION contract, 59. 510.00: mediums steers neav-les butcher cows and canners and red tape. Good commission. Start In FOR. RENT Three modern Oats was firm at 34.

rooms. 20 E. Norrh. your home town. Call or write People's cutters steady; heifers steady to 25c low for grass heifers; cows ana nuns aoout steady: most bulls $4.00 canners Livestock, poultry, and produce er: grass fat cows $3.75 50; grass WAGGONER W.

3 raoi Benefit Corporation. 128 N. Main D-icatur. HI- crnnc. to Khade hisrher: range sz.bu ff heifers 15.40 iff $7.00 veals steady; Jy lumlshed, to two i.

markets were steady at Wednesday's listings. The local market list read S3.25; light vealers 25 cents lower at $13.00 THREE FURNISHED front tti FIRST CLASS WOOD PATTERN maker. Graham Pattern Works. 637 E. practical top mediums and heavy weights 25c lower.

HOGS 3.000; shipper market 2cg40c 31 $13.25. SHEEP Receipts 1.800; fat lambs as follows: er in kitchen, privete ertran. If- steady to 25 cents lower; top in.ou to itv hutehers: practical top and bulk CRAIX Fisher Body. Martin Parry, Moon Motors, and Willys Overland preferred, MARRIED MAN to work on farm. Furnish work until after corn husking.

Ad Ask at your Grocery or Market for the Best Poultry and Eggs That's Tick's! FOR RENT 2 furnished light hotuei-lng rooms; all modern. or. b.r-of bus line. 1063 W. Ft.

Art i 6955. sales cull lambs and aged sheer unchanged: bulk culls $9.00: fat light No. 2 hard wheat No. 2 yellow corn white corn higher than Wednesday's best practical top $13.15: bulk sales 170 to 220 pounds J12.90$3.15; 140 to 160 pounds big packers out of market; few steady: bids refused by salesmen: packing sows stock dress Box care Herald. Sales Timothy fart car a ai ni.

1 car do. at $20. part car No. 2 at $23; 2 cars do. at $20.

part car No. 2 at $23, 2 cars standard at $25, 3 cars do. at $20. 93 93 34 fell back a point or more. Rails moved to within rather nar ewes mediums ana neavy ewes II.

New No. 3 oats 2 NICE LIGHT $5.00 canner ana cuu graaes row and irregular limits, although St. BE A BARBER We train ou tor a lit occupation. You mskw good money whils learning. Decatur Barber College.

235 Eldorado LlV'KSTOCtt in the kitchen. CM! either it Morgan or M. Tsto-o T9 7.t(S Sl.t 40. Choice young hogs. 20 225.

.112. B0 $1.00 6 $3.00. Peoria Livestock EEP' 6.000"; lambs 50c lower: top Colorado nlfalfa fed lambs Colo MAIN E. ior.1 TWO jEF.N too. Louis-Southwestern, Seaboard Airline, common, "Katy" common, and Kansas City Southern, preferred, broke Choice young hogs.

225S250 tl2.25SI2.50 HELP WANTED FEMALE Call M. 3355. after 5: J12.25IS $12.50 i-ignt pigs, loo Heavy sows CHURCH N. 461 Modern faralshei! rcrj PEORIA. Aug.

21. HOGS Receipts M. 1385 through their previous prices of the Bull: 1.000: higher; top $13.30: lights for light housekeeping on groutifl fr rado range lambs $14.60: Ioahos $14. oO; Arizona top natives practically no sheep sold early. Horses and Mules Eggs year.

S10.00 $3.00 4.ov J6.oogs.ns $5.00 ft 5.51 $2.50 61 2. 7S STENOGRAPHER TYPIST Must be experienced able to furnish best references Call In person between 10-11 a. m. Sat. or phone for appointment.

Room 202 Standard Life Bldg. Phone 7926. 15172 mod. furairtied $12 mediums hj.uus heavies $12.753 packers $10.75 Call money ruled unchanged at 4 housekeeking rooms Veal Ca.ves medium Medium boas Steeds, grass fed per cent. Time money rates were ST.

LOUIS. Aug. 21 NATIVE HORSE CATTLE Receipts light: steady; calf 3 lrce ilea" KING. clean Everytiure f'jrclBhed. nd Choice bogs.

200 226 slightly easier. 60 to 90 day funds being quoted at 4 to 43 instead of li.DI 11 3.01 other roomers. M. fI71. Clover-mixed 1 car Itcnt mixea at 1 car heavv mixed at $22.

Alfalfa 1 car No. 2 at $17. Prairie 1 car No. 2 at $14. 2 cars do.

at $14.50. 1 car do. at $15, 3 cars No. 1 at $16; 1 car do at $17. New York Cash Grain NEW YORK, Aug.

21. WHEAT Spot easy; No. 1 dark northern spring c. i. f.

New York lake and rail Sl.SO-i: No. 2 hard winter f. o. b. lake and rail $1.75: No.

2 mixed Durum do. No. 1 Manitoba do. in bond CORN Spot easv; No. 2 yellow 1.

f. track New York all rail No. 2 mixed do. $1.23. OATS Spot steady; No.

2white. 60 c. Minneapolis Cash Grain MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 21.

WHEAT 2 S30 cars: cash 1 northern $1.59 1 dark northern spring choice to fancy Lambs quotations Good to choice drafts, $li0 $1S0; medium to good drafts. $100 $150: good to choice chunks B-onrt rhnnks. choice STENOGRAPHER TYPIST Must be experienced, able to furnish best references. Call' in person between 10-11 a. m.

Mondav or phone for appointment. Koom 202 Standard Life Bldg. Phone Ewes 41 to 41, with corresponding reduc GOOD LOCATION 2 roocern funih. light housekeeping rooms. Referea tions in the longer maturities.

Com southern horses, $45(6 $75; fair to good I'OCLTItS 1925 broilers 21c M. J556 mercial paper rates held steady. NEAR UNIVERSITY. Large rnomr ro( Poultry "Tick's Chickens, Always Well Dressed" Tick's Produce Co. 901 E.

Eldorado southern horses, smooth mourned southerners. $205; $30; plugs. $5 6 $lo-NATIVE MULE QUOTATIONS Draft Hens, straight run 6 21 Stock market averages: top bulk at $12.00. Indianapolis Livestock INDIANAPOLIS. Aug.

21. HOGS 20c to 40c higher; heavies $13.201 $13.80: lights $14,003 top pigs CATTLE 700; steady: steers $14.00: cows and heifers veals 00. SHEEP 400: lower: sheep 00. lambs GIRL WANTED For Stenographer and general office work. R.

870 Care Herald, ern furnished light rooa Leghorn r.eris isc 20 Ind. DATE 1032 William. 16 to 17 hands. sugar Leghorns and black snrinea 15r mules. 16 to 16.2 hands.

mine Thursday FOR RENT 3 rooms rr.TJ Old roosters n-ules, 13 to 15.2 hands. $123 $150 top one half of house, also office room- WANTED Experienced stenographer. Permanent position if satisfactory. Written application stating education and experience required. Address Box; S6S.

care Herald. DuckB. under 4 lbs. Sc Ducks, over 4 '4 lbs. T.

T. Springer. 20 R. K. 106.77 106.S5 105.03 91.56 107.20 96.13 Wednesday Week ago Year ago 12S.20 127.55 12S.26 104.02 128.20 114.31 115 NOISTH WATER, three furrlstt'.

Geese, over 9 lbs. gc Geese, under 9 gc rooms, modem and phone. BITTER AND EGGS High, 1925 Low, 1925 SIX SALESLADIES wanted at once. Fine proposition for live wires. $3 to $6 per dav.

Experience not necessary. See Green Room 7. Illinois Hotel. BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER MOVING BIG VAN LOADS. or Total stock sales 1.477,300 shares.

Total bond sales, Eggs 5SC 1 shipping butter 17c No. 2 shipping butter 10c Butter fat. f. o. 41c PRODUCE cotton mules.

15.2 to lb hands medium cotton mules, 15 to 15.2 hands. cheap cotton jnules. 14.2 to 15 2 hands, farm mules, broke, good bone. 15.3 to 16.2 hands. $110 $125: farm mules, thin, half broke.

15.2 to 16 hands. small, cheap to 14.2 hands, $20(3 $50. i Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Aug. 21.

CATTLE Receipts 6,000: fed and grass steer trade uneven; generally steady; fresh fully steady with some advance on few lond good to choice heavies: stale offer- HELP MALE OR FEMALE 8 per or Ton Trurk, $1.50 per e. estmatea riven on long hauls DarFM HIDES storage, etc. Davis Storage, h-jii. Green hides (8 to 15 ibs.) Re Ings held from earlier in week dull; many loads unsold late; top $15.25 paid for 1.233 pound averages; few loads rouch norsa niaes MERCHANDISE RELIABLE MANUFACTURER Offers steady spare time home work to men or women. Liberal pay for all standard production, large or small.

Experience unnecessary. No selling. Written contract. Send stamp for particulars. Stebr Machine Desk 36, Utlca, N.

Y. but fat short-fed steers at $13.6014.25: best yearlings J14.50: bulk grassers $7.00 $7.75: most grain feds she stock January 153 04; M.rr?. WANTED TO BUY firm; other classes unchanged. cap WANTED TO BUT Used S40. Mav $23.65.

COTTON FUTURES Opened Bteadv; October $23.30: December $23.53: January March $28.29: May $23.65. HOGS Receipts 14.000: Zdc36c high Call M. er than Wednesday's average: maximum firlvance on lighter welsrhts: big packers ssisll ik: BUY 0: WANTED TO Your Hogs Like SHORTS In Their Soup SHORTS in hog's soup makes them fat. We have the SHORTS. For the good of your hogs, yourself and our busness, we should get together on this SHORTS proposition.

See us at 155 S. Church St. or call M. 900. ext.

Fail-view 530, CASHIER AND BOOKKEEPER for branch office of a lsrge corporation. Ans. in own hand writing state sgs. experience, reference and salary expscted. A 867 care Herald.

ALL MEN Women, boys, girls, to 65. willing to accept government positions. $117-250 traveling or stationery. Write Mr. Ozment.

174 St. Louis, llo. T'ctrn Pi avO' Ch out of market; bulk desirable 140 to 210 pound-weights $13.50: top I WANTED 100 St. Louis Produce ST. LOUIS.

Aug. 21. PPRINtiR Call Main 43 Gusts Desaiur Poultry Go. OT IVC. H.

A. GOLAY, Owner Live Denlers In Live Poultry M. 7953 38 IVohadh Ave. Cash Bnya of Lh Poultry merchandlsa. Co.

others unchanged. JJUTIER and eggs unchanged. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Aug. 21.

POULTRY Alive receipts 8 cars In: none due; fowls 19c 26c; broilers 23c-28c: springs 27c: young chickens 18c; roosters 17c; turkeys 20c; ducks 20e21c; geese 16cjlSc CHEESE Unchanged. BUTTER Lower; receipts S.306 tubs; creamery extras 4HicSMH4c; standards 41c; extra firsts 404c41c; firsts S9c 4lc; seconds 87ci93Si4c. EGGS Unchanged; receipts 6.970 cases; firsts 29c 29 He; ordinary firsts, 28c2S.4c. POTATOES Receipts 42 ears: total V. S.

shipments 646: trade slow; weak; Minnesota sacked. Early Ohio and round white Wisconsin sacked and hulk round whites Colorado sacked cobblers $2.40 $2.60. New York Produce NEW YORK. Aug. 21 BUTTER Firm: receipts 12.346.

EGGS Steady: receipts 18.48S. CHEESE Barely steady; receipts pounds. POULTRY Live, Irregular: broilers, freight 26c28c; express '26c 30c: fowls freight 24c28c; express 22c29c. Dressed quiet; unchanged. AvfeNPORT TABLE 6 p.f $17.50.

E. Carter Rose. HI N. New York Coffee KBW TORK. An, si.

rnrppr ennt Butter Trade Steady M. 4 574. quiet: Rio 7's 20c21c: Santos 4's Jaiic DANCELAND! On Route 10 East of Decatur TONIGHT KIETH FINLEY and His ORCHESTRA General Admission 10c -10c Dance Come Out and Enjoy Yourself FINANCE BBJOU NOW PLAYING rf's Feed Store Real Estate LOAMS Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. Aug. 21.

Foreign ex I 'I with Prices Lower CHICAGO. Augr. II. The Chlcafro butter market ruled full ateady Thursday, with prices lower. Some early eales of 92-acore wera made at 4H, but the majority of the sales were at 411, with dealers holding; for premiums.

Trade was fair with the medium sjrades in best demand. Centralized car market steady to firm under fair Inquiry, 9-score was in best demand. Fresh butter: 92-score 41Jc; 91-score 90-seore 400 SS-score 40c; SS-score 39; 87-score S71. Centralized carlots: 90-score 411; 89-score 401; SS-score 39. 3 fiCTS-3 VAUDEVILLE change steady; Great Britain demand 4.S5; cables 4.8G3i: France demand 4.68 Italv demand 3.61 Belgium demand 4.62H: Germany demand 23.60; Holland 40.24: Norwav 18.68: Sweden New York Cotton NEW YORK.

Aug. 21. COTTON Spot quiet: middling. $23.55. FUTURES closed steady; .5 to points lower: October December I 1 6.80: Denmark 23.04: Switzerland 19.39: Spain 14.40: Greece 1.54; Poland 17 Yi: Czecho Slovakia 2.96: Jugo Sla-via 1.79; Austrht 14: Rumania 51 Argentine40.37: Brazil 12.20: Toklo 41-Shanghai 73; Montreal 100 8-64.

Liberty Bonds Aug. 21. LIBERTY NEW YORK. BONDS closed: 1 COOLEST SPOT IS TOWS 1 Wine! Woman! Song! JSSStVJ 'i ARE THEY Wy I -lhst A 3s. $100.26.

Second 4s, $100.2. First 454s. $102.7. Second 4s, $101.1. Third 44s.

$101.20. Fourth 4 Vis. $102.26, Treasury 4s. $103.7. New 4 Vis.

$107 4. UnHtntted Money to lend on the Installment Plan on proved City Properly. money will be supplied on spirt' ments and business property. Bare 1 yonr total lot" ft borrowing on our 6 neat loans. Ton pay your terest each month and a payment on the principal total payment decreases month.

Farm Loans at 5 for 5 years; 10-year and loans at 5. It's the wildest, maddest whirl of fun you've ever seen! ALHAMBBA We Have to Offer Tlllnots PpMIe rtUltr Co. IPs of '26 Central Pttblle Serrlce Co. of MO National Electric Power Co. 6'a of '45 Iowa Southern Utility Co.

Si's of '60 The Tan SwerinsTen Co. 6's of '35 Central Public Set-rice Co. re CnranlatlT-e Preferred Stock Inqnlriea Solicited 1. Ann a Starting Starting 'a ssi mmm A Ps i TONIGHT GLORIA SWANSON Tomorrow Tomorrow 'RUGOlp J. C.

HOSTETLER, oecj-F. 664. 156 S. Water St in WATER' "Madame Sans ALSO OUR GANG COMEDY With The Avon opens tomorrow, redecorated, renovated, with the highest grade Pictures and Music. We have secured Mr.

Frank La Rocca, one of Illinois' leading violinists, to conduct our orchestra, composed of the finest musicians obtainable. You'll say "The AVON has the pictures." "The AVON has the music." "The AVON has the shows." VIOLA DANA, FRANK MAYO, BEN LYON rrom the famous play by Victorien Sardou. ALSO COMEDY STARTING SUNDAY ILLINOIS STANDARD TRUST CO. 114 N. Water St.

Telephone Main 1250 Decatur, III. If. ji I "FELIX THE CAT" I I G.ideB.veieea I 12 sTl 9 KINOC.RAMS II Twin Organ' I HORSEBACK" "GO TO MORROV8 TODAY" ALWAYS 10c 1 REES ORCHESTRA MI 1 LOOK! 8VKDAY "THE rRl.lt1 wf I 1 'Sa -1 1 til.

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